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felsonj t1_iz69dgq wrote

Although I'm not keen on the design, I hope this moves forward. I am really puzzled by the design choices here though.


TrafficSNAFU t1_iz5w851 wrote

An interesting reuse proposal. I always wondered what the story of this property was.


EarlAttlee t1_iz6joif wrote

Same, I pass the building everyday and always wondered.


Kalebxtentacion OP t1_iz7t03p wrote

The fact that a president spoke here once, one that many people believed freed and ended slavery it’s going to be a huge up hill battle for the developer to get this passed through the HPC. If The Arc tower is having problems trying to demolish a building that has no importance to the neighborhood or itself didn’t get approved I wouldn’t imagine this too but these days anything can happen and sometimes nothing.


ahtasva t1_iz9ufl3 wrote

What is the significance of the Lincoln having spoken here to anyone that is alive today? Will demolishing the spires and using the land to build something that actually looks decent and is affordable some how bring back slavery? The arguments for the preservation of old building is founded on a selective sense of nostalgia that primarily benefits those who are already wealthy.

The arc tower is supposed to be built on a site that used to house on old time bank. Next to it is a fried chicken joint. How many of the patrons of that fried chicken place do you think look at the old building and marvel at its architecture? How many of the folks that walk by on their way to the light rail station after working their second or third job give a single fuck what building stands there? My guess is the answer is zero.

Almost every building of true historical significance is already well preserved. Historical preservation today is a virtue signal pure play. Upper class and wealthy assholes showing off to their fiends that they know how to discern the “finer” things in life.


Kalebxtentacion OP t1_iz9utoa wrote

Well that’s a great opinion and very understandable but the HPC won’t share the same opinion as you and judging on how they approve and not approve things I have a feeling that it won’t happen but who’s knows. If an old bank building with no purpose can get an approval can this more interesting and building structure get one too


ahtasva t1_izb6n9v wrote

City council should pass a resolution to reject the ruling by the HPC. Tyrants win when we let them.


Ironboundian t1_iz955lm wrote

I agree with the ghost It’s been a facade barely standing up for several decades. All of the previous proposals have imagined keeping the façade and something new In the back.


Extreme_Standard_934 t1_iz9slaa wrote

The something new in the back should match the façade in architectural style, though. Perhaps it’s just unclear in the rendering, but this looks ridiculous to me.


Ironboundian t1_ize51ec wrote

I highly doubt it will look like that when they get to the actual application.....this picture is just from a magazine about the future project. As far as I know, the actual application hasn't been submitted yet.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_iza31ok wrote

This is why they need more plaques on these historical places like nobody would ever have known the historical significance of this church if it wasn't for the article


surrealchemist t1_izk91gq wrote

Can we just turn the entire city into one big apartment building? Then we can all just live in the same building