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NewLoseIt t1_izet80z wrote

For reference, they “made the list” as #127 and #129 in America (they considered 182 cities in all), so this sounds pretty average


LateNightNewYork t1_izf1eji wrote

Yes, there are over 100 places with more to do than the immediate NYC metro area. Wallethub is so dumb.


Echos_myron123 t1_izg4phi wrote

My bedroom made the list of most fun bedrooms in America.


calambre10 t1_izgpqhi wrote

I believe this--in fact, as an /r/newark reddit bro, one of the most FUN things to do is project what a working class community needs. $3,000 rents and organic lubricant popup shops!


HudsonGuy91 t1_izi820g wrote

It was interesting to me that JC and Newark were only 2 notches apart...


TenzeFiyer t1_j0b2g1d wrote

Ok the number makes since. I can here to call bs until I saw how low on scale Newark was. Cas I been here my whole life and I’ll never party here. I want to live and don’t trust people here to act right at any event.