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Nwk_NJ t1_izyof31 wrote

Car accident? Why exchange information like civilized people? Just shoot!


Nwk_NJ t1_izz4nrt wrote

Says a vehicle collusion near springfield/market is also being investigated and related to this shooting. Could be derivative of the shooting itself, but unfortunately car accidents result in violence in this area a bit more than you'd think.


Javesther t1_izzsejb wrote

Very safe , it’s getting better .


Marv95 t1_j0099fq wrote

Crowd control? Was there a party or event over there that attracted the wrong crowd?


poete_idris t1_j01fzyh wrote

Lol what is this comment supposed to do ? Throw more cynicism on to a already slow growing city ? You doing community service or something to balance out this attitude ?


Javesther t1_j01l8nd wrote

It’s no different than the post just showing the reality . People on here want to make believe things are getting better when they are not , then get upset when they are confronted with reality .


poete_idris t1_j01lfuq wrote

No the post itself is the reality, your comment is added cynicism meant to mock people who see positives. This post doesn’t erase the growth the city has seen, but it fits into the story. Whereas your comment has nothing to do with painting the picture, it’s just meant to be snide. It’s not as if people are any more or less aware with your comment added to the news article.


Chelseafc5505 t1_j01pxbv wrote

First off, you're talking complete bollocks.

Second, if it's so shitty and undesirable to you, then stay the fuck out of our city and our sub. You don't want to be here & we don't want you here - the solution seems simple.


Nwk_NJ t1_j01rhb0 wrote

You could be right for sure. I have seen people murdered, assaulted, robbed, and stabbed following motor vehicle accidents in Newark. It's sad, and not common, but it does happen. But definitely makes sense that it was shooter fleeing up hill.

EDIT - nvm you already know what goes on.


_whatalife t1_j02fjfm wrote

I walk and drive them daily. I see luxury apartments being built, corporations moving in, parks being built, as well as restaurants opening up.

Like any city, it has its good and bad parts. That’s my anecdotal evidence, check the statistics for the entire picture…. Or selectively read headlines and generalize an entire city based on an article.


ScrollHectic t1_j03ghsv wrote

I live on this street and was coming home from the city minutes after the shooting. (Thank God I missed that connecting PATH train!) Saw one of the victims on the ground. It was scary.

The only thing going on that night was an event at Loft 47 - which is an event space for private functions. The place is booked several nights a week. Aside from noise late in the evening, and the very occasional argument/tussle (usually from Taj Lounge which has been closed for a few months now), there has never been any violence related issues during my time there - certainly nothing like this.


Relevant_North_8129 t1_j0vqkaf wrote

Have been living nearby for almost three years now and this is a first. That loft space gets out of control sometimes, but not like this. They really need to hire security for the space, and make sure their attendees stop trashing the streets. PEOPLE LIVE HERE.


Slow-Ad-1239 t1_j2e9h1c wrote

Interesting I worked at prudential center not too long ago and always felt that it was a little sketchy but ultimately never felt unsafe going to work. Always got a little nervous if I somehow missed a turn and ended up on a side street. Only thing that seemed alarming was that there would be like 50 people who hung out on a corner I believe along Lafayette street