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JonOfJersey t1_j0qxqcy wrote

exactly. And don't you just love when people in power, the people with literally everything - they are expected to REGULATE THEMSELVES! Isn't it hilarious! but for some strange reason they want to make sure and audit everyone I know who doesn't have a pot to piss in. This is a perfect example why I watch in both disgust and disbelief when they divide the people and people trip over themselves trying to defend any of these lying ass politicians. They are playing the people by performative theater. They use each other as fake opposition. Meanwhile they always will defend their so called "adversary" when it comes to covering up their crimes.

I pray to see a day where all the people truly stand together in solidarity like these frauds do. The day that happens, its all over. Imagine regular citizens working and moving as block, united as one. Don't wanna give us healthcare? wanna try to force this and that on us or a population - only to have all those people to throw the shovel down all at once. Thats force that cannot be beaten. THAT, THAT I would love to see. cause there are a lot more of the angry, screwed, disenchanted, and powerless than there are of them.

I apologize for the rant. I hope you all are well out there. And have a good holiday.