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Jimmy_kong253 t1_j2s9urs wrote

As far as the PSE&g spot goes from my understanding from a guy that used to work security there years back there were mornings where it literally turned into a homeless and drug issue. Management was tired of cleaning up needles and a good number of ODs there as well. He told me it was deemed easier to fence it off then have to pay for the extra security and the liability


MDNTNWK t1_j2tkymn wrote

Damn, have we just really been anti homeless these past 3 years? Ranging from the ordinance charging unhoused folks 500$ for panhandling but mfs wifh actual cars and income $50, the reinforcement and lies regarding food permits for the unhoused, or denying unhoused residents vouchers they got from moving here which was only repealed via june of 2022.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j2tm2k1 wrote

That's what the guy told me He retired and lives in Florida now. I asked him before he left because I was walking around Newark and I do remember when it was unfenced. The amount of cost security is and if the city wasn't helping I can totally see Prudential just throwing their hands up and being like you know what fuck it fence it off. That whole downtown area is like Newark's crown jewel


MDNTNWK t1_j2tnajn wrote

Yea, but what pisses me off of is the lack of actual outdoor accommodations for unhoused folks here in Newark. All they really have is Penn Station, and Peter Francisco park which is pretty small. You'd think Millitary park would've been the perfect spot to house encampments but nah.

As far as I've seen, most of the folks are posted on that street between PF park and Penn Station, the ammout of Anti homeless infrastructure in some spots of downtown is beyond me.


Marv95 t1_j2tspr3 wrote

Outdoor accommodations? You want this to turn into the literal crapshow known as LA or Portland? Where QOL has completely deteriorated due to the tent cities? You can't have downtown like that when it already suffers from a stigma of being a warzone.


NeoLephty t1_j2wnmnp wrote

How do “tent cities” cause a “deteriorated” cost of living… are you saying that homeless people make it cheaper to live in a city and thus LA is super affordable right now because of how many homeless there are or that people not being able to afford the cost of living and being forced to live in tents causes the cost of living to go up…?

Because neither is true… so I’m confused.


Marv95 t1_j2y0wdz wrote

Edited. I meant QOL. Quality of life, which has deteriorated.


MDNTNWK t1_j2tt7e9 wrote

Honestly, I probably would, its better than being setup on a sidewalk where a car can straight up run over your encampment or under a trainstation.

And I didnt say all of downtown.💀; just a park atleast.

With the ammount of Anti homeless infastructure here, you might as well go to penn station.
