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ahtasva t1_j2xb98r wrote

You give the entire system more credit than it is due. Activists; at least the ones that get the most air time are an arm of the establishment. Their purpose in not to create real change but to sell you what the establishment wants you to settle for. Creating mental health resources, affordable housing etc. cost money and acts to move resources from the rich to the poor. The establishment of both parties don’t want that so they contract “activist” to sell you a knock off version of progress. Let the homeless sleep rough and take a shit on every street corner, let drug use and petty crime go unchecked, focus education on identity instead of academics. The cost of these stupid and counter productive ideas are shouldered entirely by the poor but the activist don’t give a fuck coz they get paid upfront; funding , grants, speaking fees etc. there is a whole industry of clowns selling stupid ideas and suckers born everyday who buy into them🤷🏾‍♂️


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j2xclib wrote

At the end of the day if somebody can't make money they have no incentive. It's the American way my thing if people really want to improve life, you bus all these homeless people and drop them off in the rich neighborhoods and the country clubs. Like George Carlin said there is no Illuminati. There is no mass conspiracy group controlling the world. They all go to the same country clubs the same universities. They know what's good for them they don't need a meeting to make it happen