Submitted by ReadProfessional5944 t3_108s4v0 in Newark

One of the problems is that more people don’t take mass transportation to the city of Newark is why

  1. It’s going to be hard for it to be a major city that thrives in on its own
  2. Increased traffic on GSP and 280 due to car traffic
  3. Why young millennials and Gen z would rather go to Hoboken or jersey city where mass transit is more readily available and expansive @rasbaraka


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Newarkguy1836 t1_j3ubatk wrote

Ah, but did you know Newark has always been independent of New York City? Newark was America's second most industrial city after Detroit. Believe it or not, Newark and Detroit had the same number of factories despite only 24 square miles versus Detroit's 142 sq. miles. With the exception of the Frelinghuysen Avenue corridor and the Oak Island District of Ironbound, Newark factories were mixed within neighborhoods. New York was an industrial Powerhouse while New York City served as the financial Powerhouse of the region. In fact Newark was often referred to as the American and New York City Warehouse of industrial Arts. The 1940 " American Journal of industry and finance" I read as a senior high school student at Arts High School in 1992 evaluated the city of Newark and proudly proclaimed "Newark is independent of New York City" celebrate the city's achievements and predicted population of 1 million. However, the article compared Newark to Los Angeles in that opposite the Los Angeles case of 100 suburbs searching for a city, Newark was a 24 square mile super dense core looking for a city. The article went on to say Newark needed to Annex 16 surrounding municipalities or watch her glorious future be aborted.


Newarkguy1836 t1_j3v217p wrote


Are you asking what do I mean by "annex"? To annex is to execute the process of annexation. Annexation is when an independent or non Incorporated area is brought into the fold of another Incorporated community.

You can look up the word for a much clearer definition.


Awkward-Ad-7385 t1_j3wmfrf wrote

Yes I agree. Newark needs to expand its subway/light rail as soon as possible. The light rail should provide access to those who live in the iron bound, vailsburg/South Orange, Springfield Ave/Irvington, Southward/Weequahic park area, and the McCarthy highway side of the northward. I don’t understand why njtransit isn’t trying to drastically expand in Newark.


TrafficSNAFU t1_j3y2xzq wrote

I think this the easiest thing to do in the near term but it would still require a fair bit of effort is really improving the Newark bus network. NJ Transit put out a redesign proposal which I felt was pretty good but that seems to just be dead in the water. Improving headways, implementing bus lanes, installing more bus shelters, making the system more friendly to new users. Other things that come to mind include refreshing existing light rail stations, ADA improvements to stations that are not compliant, installation of countdown clocks, turning light rail stations into mobility centers by better incorporating transfers to bus service and bike and scooter share programs. Beyond that, making a serious effort to create proper bus rapid transit lines on select corridors and expansions of the Newark Light Rail.


DrixxYBoat t1_j3y8uck wrote

Annex as in Hillside, Elizabeth, Irvington, etc. should all be boroughs within Newark similar to how Brooklyn is a borough within NYC.

Cities like Chicago and Cleveland have similar landmass as if Newark stretched from here to Piscataway.

That's also why Chicago can have so much gun violence on one side, but be completely elitist on the other.

Imagine if Irvington was the gun violence capital of the world, but you live all the way out in Piscataway, so you don't really see it.

The only difference is that in Chicago, both of these places are still named Chicago.

Anyways yeah, Newark ought to annex other cities. The only "losers" would be the city council candidates who would find themselves out of a job.


EngineSpecialist259 t1_j3yemwg wrote

I’m an outsider, but thinking of moving to Newark. I love the “bones” of the city- the parks, the streets, the architecture, and the transit infrastructure that still exist despite the decades of decline. I love that it’s close to NYC but yet still it’s own creature. Newark has so much potential and I think I’d like to be able to help the city continue to come back.


RationalMellow t1_j4a5sea wrote

What happened in New Jersey’s history is much different from that. There was annexation but a lot towns did break away from much larger ones and formed their own “townships,” boroughs, and villages. I’d also say they don’t take mass transit to Newark because there’s simply nothing else (besides the arena at this point) that would bring people in to the city for the purpose of mass transit use.


OpportunityPlayful70 t1_j5n5vs5 wrote

Newark simply isn’t a place people think of as one to “hang out” or have a night on the town

I’m from newark … and if I want to have a bar crawl or take my lady to a nice eatery, it’ll be somewhere in Hudson county.

Newark doesn’t offer that currently.

It is what it is.