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Nwk_NJ t1_j51u6hc wrote

"we nEeD lOCaL coNTroL oF oUr ScHoOls....foR the GoOd oF tHe kiDs"


Echos_myron123 t1_j55btvt wrote

Not defending Leon or the lack of a hearing, but the headline is kind of BS. Test scores have plunged in basically every major city since Covid and a superintendent alone isn't going to bring them back up in such a short period of time.


ahtasva t1_j5bdjd4 wrote

Instead of defunding the police; we should just shut down the cesspool of corruption , vice and sheer incompetence that is the NPS. Give each child the 25k/ year the schools are purportedly squandering on them.

Let them choose a school where they will actually learn something.

Worst case scenario; Since the establishment has done away with test score based admissions in higher education for being “inequitable”, the kids can bank the money and pay for one of the dozens of worthless “….. studies” liberal arts degrees. Degree in hand; a fulfilling career in “activism” is not far behind.

Win win win everyone concerned. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Edit: not so much for Roger Leon but no one gives a shit