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OpportunityPlayful70 t1_j5avdz7 wrote

Downtown newark in general is a complete joke


sutisuc t1_j5b8fm7 wrote

For real. It’s more like a dead rust belt Midwest city than the largest city in the densest state in the country 20 minutes from Manhattan.


OpportunityPlayful70 t1_j5bdo2t wrote

I’m born, raised, lived and work in newark and the downtown has never been good, clean, maintained or attractive

Obviously I know there’s other factors at play with poverty, homelessness, drug addiction, etc… and I don’t want to minimize the effects of these problems & their impacts on on the mainstay population

But man, It’s embarrassing.

I can’t lie, it’s nice to see other towns’ downtown area welcoming to small businesses, nightlife and foot traffic.