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Langer1banger t1_j5m2o59 wrote

My company plants trees for 3 and a half times the price of the tree to account for time labor fuel ect...the average tree that will be planted as a 'sidewalk' tree will probably be between 8-10 ft tall and will be what ever is cheapest at the time usually between 200-300 max for that height(species doesn't matter because towns do not ever plan for 20-30 years and possibly sooner because of how little open area newark actually has due to population and over development when roots start to push up sidewalks and the height of the tree disrupts overhead wires so they'll plant completely inappropriate trees for the application such as locust or maple because it's the flavor of the month and again cheapest) so at the very most each tree should be about 1200 but then also take into consideration they will be purchased in bulk making them cheaper than a contractor would get them one at a time..newark should be able to plant 1132 new trees at a minimum given these factors...I'm sure that number will not even be half of that and probably less but most people will have no clue how to go about knowing how much it costs a contractor to plant a tree.

Edit - I just realized they are only planting 330 trees...2k of that 3500 per tree or so is not going toward planting trees lol


Mile-Square t1_j5qkq3r wrote

The grant it not just for tree plating "a $1.2 million grant to plant more trees on its gritty streets and remove dead or hazardous trees in five target neighborhoods." Tree removal is pretty expensive, especially in an urban setting.


ahtasva t1_j5mtu1f wrote

Basically the cronies are getting a 60% marks; sounds like par for the course 🤣.

On a more serious note; curious to know what types/ species of tree is best suited for sidewalks in out climate.?