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Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j61yoks wrote

Thanks for keeping The North Wars safe! Be careful out there Midnight!


MDNTNWK OP t1_j620dma wrote


My goal is to inspire folks to create postive change in their communities. More importantly, make sure everyone's safe, and makes it home.

Not have everyone make it out in body bags; Where did you get the idea I was even armed?


MDNTNWK OP t1_j62396p wrote

Pfft- Imagine.

All jokes aside; TV heads a chill guy, I've talked with him in the past and I can say we both agree on a lot of issues in the city. One of em was regarding the Hahne co spot not really being accessible for/ or messing with residents, despite being paid for by the public/residents. I'll edit this comment when I can pull the thread.

Edit: Found it.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j62wj4r wrote

Or it's too cold and crappy weather wise lately to be committing crimes


Top_Ad5385 t1_j638lyg wrote

Can you even see anything in that mask? Be careful out there!


ilovemytvalot t1_j63q5qn wrote

You should patrol during the day to catch the porch thieves. That's where the real action happens