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GhostOfRobertTreat t1_j64eoq9 wrote

School board election is in April. Hardly anyone votes so if you do vote in it, your vote will have a bigger impact.


Professional_Heat_73 t1_j64gwx5 wrote

I would love to see concrete examples of the “awesome job” Leon is doing. Please, educate me!


ahtasva t1_j669lot wrote

You can’t fix a problem by hiring a guy who has been part of the problem for 20 years. What will firing this clown do? No matter who you bring in; the superintendent is not going to effect the massive change that is needed to fix the Newark schools.


TranquilBeatnik t1_j677dxq wrote

Board member Crystal Williams, who was elected last year, introduced a motion to issue a letter of nonrenewal to León before Jan. 31 “in order to reassess his contract” and “give the public the opportunity to voice their concerns.


Following Williams’ motion, board member Flohisha Johnson, who was part of the board that approved León’s initial contract in 2018, defended the contract renewal and process.

“I stand behind my superintendent because you know why? I elected him into this office and we appointed him as a board, as a whole, and we don’t have a problem with him,” said Johnson, who was first elected to the board in 2017.

She also read a state law that does not require boards of education to provide public notice or hearings for new contracts, including contracts that replace expired contracts...

People need to remember these names when the election comes around


johnnysmoothie t1_j67iqn3 wrote

"reports that León’s contract was automatically renewed due to a clause in his previous contract that said board members needed to alert him by May 15, 2022, if his term wasn’t going to be extended the next year. "

The board needs to read the contract they agreed and signed.


Unlikely-Slide-7766 t1_j6816hf wrote

He is working against tenure, seniority, and the politics in the school system, things that are a blessing to employees and a curse for his goals, which consistently have to be compromised. ChatGPT should be experimented to help his agenda.