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RepostSleuthBot t1_j9ug39c wrote

Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times.

First Seen Here on 2019-04-15 95.31% match. Last Seen Here on 2021-06-22 96.88% match

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xynix_ie t1_j9urcq1 wrote

He was 50ish there and Redford was 40ish.


notbob1959 t1_j9uv31v wrote

The photo was taken in 1968 by Lawrence Schiller. They were in Durango, Mexico filming Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. That is director George Roy Hill with his back to the camera.

So Paul was 43 and Robert was 32.


xynix_ie t1_j9v0wcb wrote

Much more accurate than "the 70s" and thank you for that. Remarkable either way.


outrightPermit39 t1_j9uhxl9 wrote

Paul Newman and Robert Redford is too much coolness for one picture.


hereuponMistime782 t1_j9uhy9n wrote

The Don Johnson & Melanie Griffith one makes me uncomfortable.

That Watanabe one makes him look like some hero out of a fantasy story.

The Mel Gibson one just disappoints me.

The Leonard Nimoy one makes me sad.I miss that guy.


rowdilyHerd t1_j9ugx1u wrote

God damn, Cameron Diaz was always stunning as hell.
