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BurstEDO t1_j9r3ped wrote


Tons of rando candids that all featured largely the same people because so many people would notice a camera and scurry. It's also why so many yearbook shots of candids are rarely head-on.

And by the time you got the film back from an event (this was pre-digital) you had to make due with whatever you had.

Many schools (like mine and probably OPs) had limited numbers of color pages while the rest were Black/white due to costs.

Finally, that outfit is 100% 1992. Pop culture always digs up the extremes from the early 90s, including "grunge" style from about 93-96, but these girls are styled fairly mainstream for the era (among teens.)

A part of me will always miss and enjoy some of mid 90s fashion (minus the shoulder pads and associated fashions.) Yes - shoulder pads for women lasted LONG into the 90s. You can cross reference with several sitcoms and dramas from the era.