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siverted t1_j9oo3l8 wrote

I moved to LA when I was 18, and David Spade was my first celebrity encounter. I was in an elevator and he suddenly popped up just as the doors were closing. We stood next to each other in silence until finally, Spade let out a deep sigh, said "god dammit," and stepped off. Good times.


Reasonable-Cell5189 t1_j9p0esr wrote

That's a perfectly David Spade thing to do, lol.


siverted t1_j9p0uke wrote

It really did feel quintessentially Spade. No idea what he was upset about, but I feel privileged I got to witness that moment. I really hope I run into him again one day so I can tell him this story


Jeep_Stuff t1_j9p3679 wrote

I once saw him at the LA auto show. He was chatting up one of the booth babes. He had a guy with him who looked exactly like Chris Farley which freaked me out because Farley had died by that time. It was his brother.


[deleted] t1_j9qvc8q wrote



Jeep_Stuff t1_j9qwatf wrote

Really? That’s cool. I know he has multiple brothers but the one I saw was Kevin. He’s an actor and a comedian.


clce t1_j9rr69b wrote

Well, considering Chris Farley sold brake pads, he would not be out of place at an Auto show either.


OtherwiseJello t1_j9s55dm wrote

Yeah, his brother is named John. And he's the one who found Chris dead. I always found it so sad that he died alone, so close to Christmas.


LakeVermilionDreams t1_j9p5r4j wrote

He was pissed he didn't get recognized?


MaximumUnderdrive69 t1_j9p72t9 wrote

Corey Hart would do that. He'd sit at the same bar so long without being noticed, eventually the bartender started giving drinks to other patrons so they'd recognize him


savagemutt t1_j9pdzz3 wrote

Are you feeding me a line? I feel like you're feeding me a line. Anyway:

He shouldn't have worn his sunglasses at night.


AlbumSixForever t1_j9pgmle wrote



MaximumUnderdrive69 t1_j9q1wri wrote

No concrete source. My driver's ed instructor told that story when the topic of wearing sunglasses at night came up. Given he was about the right age, and there's no reason to lie about something like that to a bunch of teenagers, I always believed him.


siverted t1_j9p83gt wrote

If anything, I'm sure he was grateful I didn't say anything to him. Just seemed pissed at life in general.


Seanzietron t1_j9q67ul wrote

He was mad that he had to endure awkward silence with you, perhaps.

You created emotions in the spade.

Feel honored.


PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j9rjte0 wrote

Well this is Reddit, so someone probably already tweeted it to him

In the future, try to include details like the building you were in, what he was wearing, what businesses were on the floor he got off on, and what his hair smells like


[deleted] t1_j9p6wzf wrote



siverted t1_j9p7zu6 wrote

Just an office building with production companies and agents, etc. Guessing he was going to a meeting.


yargmematey t1_j9p4agf wrote

Weird fact about me and David Spade: for a while young David Spade was a recurring character in my dreams. But it wasn't him, he was always playing someone. Like my dreams were movies and he got cast in them? It was weird but it stopped after a few years. Always made me feel like we were weirdly connected even though I'm not a big fan of his (outside of Emperor's New Groove). Not sure why I'm posting this here. Thanks for reading.


OtisTetraxReigns t1_j9qmvnv wrote

Just be grateful it wasn’t Mike Myers, I guess.


yargmematey t1_j9qussf wrote

Hey now THAT'S an actor! Might have classed it up a bit. Maybe there wasn't room in the budget?


WheelsUpInThirty t1_j9qy8qw wrote

That happened to me with Kiefer Sutherland. Never someone I ever really thought about (pre-“24”). Somehow he showed up frequently in my dreams as varied characters.


yargmematey t1_j9rx3zf wrote

Does that mean we're impaired somehow? Our brains are so uncreative that they can't conceive of new people so they're just taking famous faces and sticking them on new bodies? Or is it better?


sunflowersav03 t1_j9qdqtm wrote

My dad had the same experience with Rob Zombie, didn't recognize him because he (my father) was drunk as all hell and thought he was a homeless dude. Tried to hand Zomb a 10$ and said he (Rob Zombie) just said "What the fuck man" and got off the elevator.


notweirdifitworks t1_j9r0yhj wrote

I heard another story about Rob Zombie being mistaken for being homeless. I wonder how often that happens to him.


CandyCaneCrisp t1_j9raqax wrote

Probably a lot because he has very bad hygiene and stinks according to a friend who worked with him.


sunflowersav03 t1_j9r3m0r wrote

I can't say frequently, but there's no way it doesn't happen at all, considering he does look homeless in a sense, and not everyone knows of his music 😂 The only thing I could see now being different then when my dad met him (which was in his White Zombie days) would be that he probably has security now and doesn't hang out near crappy motels + sketchy bars - so I guess there's probably less of a chance of people even being allowed to talk to him?


FartAttack911 t1_j9qjy3z wrote

I drove buses at a luxury ski resort and one of my coworkers picked David Spade up on their shuttle after he did a comedy show. He refused to sit and just stood at the back of the bus clutching onto the bar with his eyes shut lol. Apparently he doesn’t like enclosed spaces or moving spaces hahaha


siverted t1_j9qmxxz wrote

Haha. Maybe that was it. Good thing our elevator was only 4 floors.


MaurySline22 t1_j9sdolj wrote

In 1992, I was flying out to college in LA and boarded a United flight in Chicago. As I walked down the aisle and approached my seat, I noticed the two people sitting in the row behind me were Adam Sandler and David Spade. Even though this was in their heyday at SNL, they were in coach and I assume connecting through O'Hare on way to LAX. As I got to my seat, being a starstruck SNL fan in my youth, I mouthed, but audibly, "No Way!" And Adam looked at me and in his funny voice said, "Oh, Yes way!." Anyway, I ended up talking with the (mostly Adam) for most of the flight about college my summer internship and other stuff, and when there was a lull, I heard Adam from behind say my name from behind in his grandma voice ask, "What are you reading?" The part that I remember most was when, thinking they might be interested, I told them that Dana Carvey had just released a movie filmed in my hometown called "Opportunity Knocks" that bombed. This was just after Carvey left SNL to pursue a movie career. After a few seconds of silence, David Spade rolled his eyes and said in his most sardonic tone "Yeah, and nobody answered" straight out of a Hollywood Minute sketch or Tommy Boy. Very ironic since now they are teamed up doing the Fly On The Wall podcast. They were the most true versions of what you see on screen. Afterwards, I ended up getting my bags with Sandler and introduced him to my roommate at curbside who had come to pick me up and he was gracious beyond any expectation. Nicest guy in the world and accurate as to everything I've heard about him since.


sed2017 t1_j9ql5m4 wrote

I saw him eating at a restaurant with a pretty blonde once…