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siverted t1_j9p0uke wrote

It really did feel quintessentially Spade. No idea what he was upset about, but I feel privileged I got to witness that moment. I really hope I run into him again one day so I can tell him this story


Jeep_Stuff t1_j9p3679 wrote

I once saw him at the LA auto show. He was chatting up one of the booth babes. He had a guy with him who looked exactly like Chris Farley which freaked me out because Farley had died by that time. It was his brother.


[deleted] t1_j9qvc8q wrote



Jeep_Stuff t1_j9qwatf wrote

Really? That’s cool. I know he has multiple brothers but the one I saw was Kevin. He’s an actor and a comedian.


clce t1_j9rr69b wrote

Well, considering Chris Farley sold brake pads, he would not be out of place at an Auto show either.


OtherwiseJello t1_j9s55dm wrote

Yeah, his brother is named John. And he's the one who found Chris dead. I always found it so sad that he died alone, so close to Christmas.


LakeVermilionDreams t1_j9p5r4j wrote

He was pissed he didn't get recognized?


MaximumUnderdrive69 t1_j9p72t9 wrote

Corey Hart would do that. He'd sit at the same bar so long without being noticed, eventually the bartender started giving drinks to other patrons so they'd recognize him


savagemutt t1_j9pdzz3 wrote

Are you feeding me a line? I feel like you're feeding me a line. Anyway:

He shouldn't have worn his sunglasses at night.


AlbumSixForever t1_j9pgmle wrote



MaximumUnderdrive69 t1_j9q1wri wrote

No concrete source. My driver's ed instructor told that story when the topic of wearing sunglasses at night came up. Given he was about the right age, and there's no reason to lie about something like that to a bunch of teenagers, I always believed him.


siverted t1_j9p83gt wrote

If anything, I'm sure he was grateful I didn't say anything to him. Just seemed pissed at life in general.


Seanzietron t1_j9q67ul wrote

He was mad that he had to endure awkward silence with you, perhaps.

You created emotions in the spade.

Feel honored.


PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j9rjte0 wrote

Well this is Reddit, so someone probably already tweeted it to him

In the future, try to include details like the building you were in, what he was wearing, what businesses were on the floor he got off on, and what his hair smells like


[deleted] t1_j9p6wzf wrote



siverted t1_j9p7zu6 wrote

Just an office building with production companies and agents, etc. Guessing he was going to a meeting.