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LakeVermilionDreams t1_j9p5r4j wrote

He was pissed he didn't get recognized?


MaximumUnderdrive69 t1_j9p72t9 wrote

Corey Hart would do that. He'd sit at the same bar so long without being noticed, eventually the bartender started giving drinks to other patrons so they'd recognize him


savagemutt t1_j9pdzz3 wrote

Are you feeding me a line? I feel like you're feeding me a line. Anyway:

He shouldn't have worn his sunglasses at night.


AlbumSixForever t1_j9pgmle wrote



MaximumUnderdrive69 t1_j9q1wri wrote

No concrete source. My driver's ed instructor told that story when the topic of wearing sunglasses at night came up. Given he was about the right age, and there's no reason to lie about something like that to a bunch of teenagers, I always believed him.


siverted t1_j9p83gt wrote

If anything, I'm sure he was grateful I didn't say anything to him. Just seemed pissed at life in general.