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Playful-Excuse-8081 t1_ja5jlow wrote

The world could really use another great leader like this man about now


names_are_useless t1_ja69cql wrote

Considering MLK's Anti-Capitalist views: if he were still alive today and held the same views as he did: he'd be blasted as a Radical Socialist (that much I suppose is true) and Far Leftist (he didn't like either poliitical parties) by the Media.

People either forget or don't know: MLK was NOT popular in his day. I remember one poll showing only about 25% of the entire country thinking positively of him when he was still alive. Newspapers would blame him for Black Riots (he'd be treated like BLM is today, maybe worse).

It wasn't until the Reagan Administration when MLK Day was conceptualized and his message and persona has been white-washed and relegated to one famous line from his "I Have a Dream Speech":

> I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

You don't see nearly as many people using these later quotes of his:

> Whenever the issue of compensatory treatment for the Negro is raised, some of our friends recoil in horror. The Negro should be granted equality, they agree; but he should ask nothing more. On the surface, this appears reasonable, but it is not realistic. > > A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro.

Probably less than 50% of America wants the actual MLK back. A majority of the population only want the "Let's just say we're equal now and not stir anymore pots" white-washed MLK that is actually celebrated.


ReflexImprov t1_ja7q54j wrote

Most of the far right claims to be 'christian', but would be horrified by the actual Jesus' views, even though they are right there in the very Bible they claim to read.


KnightsOfREM t1_ja5wmpu wrote

Agree, but I'm not sure we'd know it if they were out there.


HamUnitedFC t1_ja64b08 wrote

That’s the thing with ppl of Dr. Kings magnitude.. you know


the_scarlett_ning t1_ja6nrv7 wrote

I’d bet my life’s blood they’re out there. But we won’t let them speak because if they’re willing to speak the truth it will certainly offend someone and then everyone would get up in arms and cancel them.


TurrPhennirPhan t1_ja94ozv wrote

It’s important to remember that our memory of him and his struggle has been sanitized. His ideas were more radical than textbooks often state, and he faced the same smear campaigns and demonization activists today face, only without the magnitude of social media and 24 hour cable news.

The next MLK may be among us already, but Fox News has drilled it into the heads of almost half of America that they’re an Antifa communist BLM supporter who hates and wants to eradicate white people.