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ripple_in_stillwater t1_j9lbyu8 wrote

Hmmm... most of the content regards weight loss


Ophelia_Y2K OP t1_j9ldj3o wrote

common for magazines focused at teenage girls sadly, then and now (well, whatever the modern equivalent of magazines is anyways)


FD4L t1_j9m13o9 wrote

Split hair and heterchromia, she must have been the coolest kid in the state.


Ophelia_Y2K OP t1_j9m2cqo wrote

i think her eyes are the same color but her hair makes them look a little different


FD4L t1_j9m2l7a wrote

I don't know, the eye on the left is very green to me and the on on the right is very blue. Even when I zoom in enough to exclude the hair.


Ophelia_Y2K OP t1_j9m3aoy wrote

when i zoom in they look the same color to me but idk 🤷‍♀️


MapleSyrupFacts t1_j9m3t7e wrote

Is your phone on nightmode maybe? They are definitely green on left and blue on right.


Ophelia_Y2K OP t1_j9mi0ya wrote

it was on night mode… ok now i see the difference lol


d4nger_n00dle t1_j9lqd5x wrote

"Temper Tantrums - Good or Bad?" seriously?


DaKKn t1_j9t597y wrote

So, what you're saying is: they were more open minded back then?


d4nger_n00dle t1_j9t6n1g wrote

No. Since I don't know what's in the article, I can't comment on it. It just seems they don't think their readers are emotionally mature if they print that on the cover.


rezamazino t1_j9l82jb wrote

she looks like delirium of the endless


Imtifflish24 t1_j9md8pu wrote

Those articles are depressing as hell. Hair color is cool though.


wcbjr t1_j9lyji5 wrote

Reminds me of Nerds cereal.


SeanOfTheDead1313 t1_j9mmjkx wrote

Her face looks familiar. Possibly someone who was famous later?


LadyJane311 t1_j9nbsvq wrote

Apparently, she's just a model named Bonnie who is a natural blonde. The half-and-half look was done via a "complicated retouching process."


sporky211 t1_j9pbamt wrote

This look has really made a comeback in recent years, didn't realize it was some what trendy back in the day


mengel6345 t1_j9leuvi wrote

My reality as a teenager