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B33Man88 t1_j9t9we2 wrote

You want it all, but you can’t have it


chickenmantesta t1_j9tdzdg wrote

The guitarist (dude in red glasses) always seemed a lot older than the rest of the band.


So_Do_You_Like_Stuff OP t1_j9ti6r9 wrote

Definitely up there. Chuck Mosley (R.I.P.) will always have a special place in my heart. Introduce Yourself was the first FNM album I bought, but with Mike Patton, they took it to a whole other level. Particularly on Angel Dust.


atrostophy t1_j9tk1se wrote

My first FNM album was The Real Thing so I didn't know about Mosley until later. He brought a definite different vibe to the music.

Meanwhile when people ask me who Mike Patton is I show the interview where he's eating a sandwich and then the videos where he sings opera music


Ihatevry1 t1_j9tk4kl wrote

From the day i was born i took the bull by the horns and gave you plenty to scorn, well right on!


Han_Yerry t1_j9tn6rz wrote

25 cents!? Fuck you I'll skate to the beach!


Throwforventing t1_j9tuzg2 wrote

I was today years old when I learned that Mike Patton was not the original vocalist of FNM. I am looking forward to checking out the Mosely years. RIP


bradleynowellsguitar t1_j9twetp wrote

That's a lie. He was interviewed and said the whole band knew Roddy was gay for years and no one ever had a problem with it.

He didn't like the direction the band was going in, and left after Angel Dust because he wasn't happy.


Just-STFU t1_j9u30i3 wrote

Now I know why everything turns grey, but it's our own world we paint..


duhhuhh t1_j9u78cq wrote

Can i get a transfer maaaannn? 95 cents!


MuricanDeathTriangle t1_j9uab2u wrote

Your friend was young, hung and plastered / He never knew his own disaster / I think it's good, in fact it was faster / Cause it was you that he was after


MuricanDeathTriangle t1_j9udedh wrote

Styling! You know you are stylin! So turn to the mirror there, and blow yourself a kiss!


Han_Yerry t1_j9uenoq wrote

I met Patton at a Soulfly show in NY. He denied it was him as did the blonde lady that was with him. They kept exchanging glances like they had an inside joke no one knew. My buddy and I chatted them up for a minute and went on our way. It was a cool experience.


MuricanDeathTriangle t1_j9uf5ba wrote

Same I was like 11 or 12 and a skater kid friend of mine (Hope you're doing well, Pat O'Brien!) pirated TRT on some "learn German" audiotapes stolen from the library, and it blew my mind. Ripped Introduce Yourself right after.


PrimalNumber t1_j9ui4sh wrote

Wait’ll they learn Courtney Love was there even before Chuck.


suffaluffapussycat t1_j9uy50q wrote

My band opened for FNM on The Real Thing tour 1989. Fun show. Mike Bordin, Billy Gould and Roddy are just about the nicest people you could meet. They loved our band, watched our whole set and mentioned us in Kerrang as one of their favorite opening acts. They also told a couple of A&R people about us so we were getting calls from record companies. Just really genuinely good people.


Naive-Government8333 t1_j9vfhnt wrote

Read somewhere that Courtney Love was on the band prior to this. Is this true? Could be someone messing with me. And have a great weekend, everyone!


So_Do_You_Like_Stuff OP t1_j9vgsfn wrote

Yep. She was in the band for a very short time. She was a horrible fit, and the band didn’t get along with her, so, she was out. There’s videos of her with FNM on youtube. I’m glad it didn’t work out with her is the nicest thing I’ll say about that.


Colon t1_j9vk77y wrote

not gonna lie, it took me years to realize mike patton wasn't just doing a goofy voice on their older stuff


Wide-Rub432 t1_j9xjtqi wrote

Love their albums with Chuck and first two with Mike.

So sad that Chuck had passed away.