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skiwolfe420 t1_jdxvkur wrote

Who cut your hair? Flobie?


PianoMike74 OP t1_jdxzawp wrote

Bangs were a delicate operation in the 80s with kids who simply could not sit still. The photographer used film designed for sports to get these.

Flowbee came out in 1988. Sadz.


Moms_spaghetti_6969 t1_jdy2ub2 wrote

I wish I had the photo of me like this in my cub scouts uniform. I thought I was such a badass in that thing. I had that little gold under the shoulder rope thing that day. Pretty sure they just let me wear it for the picture because as soon as I saw another kid with it I wanted it so bad


Evening_Part483 t1_jdyo8b7 wrote

I’m a victim of this as well. May need to start a subreddit


An_expert_I_am_not t1_jdyyijj wrote

Oh, y’all must have been rich. Our parents sprang for zero extras. Man I was jealous of the kids who could afford this though. And that one laser background.


Briso_ t1_jdzz4gy wrote

Zack and Cody


Nanoo_1972 t1_je07l0r wrote

Lordy, my mother made me suffer through that exact same haircut in the 80s.