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Bunsandbeans1213 t1_je7rsdg wrote

She would come into the Starbucks I worked at and buy a ton of tea to take back to her island. She said that the people who lived there loved the tea, so she was stocking up.


Girlfriend_of_Gozer t1_je7ukf6 wrote

Her island?


redbug831 t1_je7yqzc wrote

She lived in Turks and Caicos for awhile I think.


M3g4d37h t1_je8gsoh wrote

She married a crazy dude who ended up fucking her life up pretty bad.

> Speaking about her custody arrangement with her ex-husband, Lita said (hear audio below): "By the time our divorce was final and everything was said and done, it was such a joke that it didn't matter what I got on paper. There was no way I was gonna be in those boys' lives. They were such a mess by the time I left and my ex-husband left that it just didn't matter. I just needed to walk away from everything and regroup and come back with Plan B. The big problem for me was I couldn't find them after hiring four or five private investigators and them being out of the country in a Carribbean island. I really didn't have any United States… The Hague Convention, the Hague treaty was working against me with them being in a Caribbean island. And when they did come back to the United States, it took me nine years to track them down and find out that they were living in Tennessee. If somebody wants to fall below the radar, they can."

> Asked what justification the courts used to deny her custody of her two children, Lita said: "They said I was not taking the medication that they prescribed for me that was absolutely ridiculous. It was just an excuse. I did everything in my power that they asked me to do. I did everything. They had nothing on me. And my ex-husband was just lying, he was just making up stuff as we went along. It was just insane. And as he made stuff up, there was no proof that I did all these things he said I did. It was just absolutely crazy. Because I really was a great mom. I put everything into being a mom. I stopped my musical career. I focused on nothing but my boys. I homeschooled my boys living on that deserted island. I mean, I spent all day every day with these kids. I had stacks of books. And then we would go fishing and we would cook dinner. We had a great, great relationship. So for them to turn around and say, 'Mom, you did this and you did that.' Like, 'Wait a minute. You guys are dreaming. You guys are being brainwashed by your dad.' And the attorneys are just feeding off of that."