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Nitroburner3000 t1_jcndmnd wrote

This person is waterskiing. He’s being towed behind a boat.


firefistus t1_jcodoez wrote

Then where are his skis? This man looks to me like he's wake boarding. Just 1 board, not 2 skis.


DCPlumber t1_jcpejih wrote

Correction. He is slalom skiing. This is in 1980. Wake boarding was invented in 1990.


cookerg t1_jcsf6wl wrote

It's a slalom ski, with one foot behind the other. Much more nimble for zipping around buoys, because you can turn the ski using both legs. In this picture he is way outside the wake to the starboard side of the boat and is starting to cut back towards the centre.


BluestreakBTHR t1_jcog25e wrote

Why is it “water skiing” and not “wake skiing” then?


cookerg t1_jcsek4q wrote

He's not riding the wake. He is towed by a rope and has swung wide, way outside the wake.


peacockles t1_jcn7c3s wrote

this is me leaving the bathroom after having a massive curry the night before


MacDake t1_jcn90d8 wrote

I need to know the story behind this picture.


LocalAffectionate332 t1_jcnb68x wrote

I wonder if it’s fake. The mountain lake water in early May has got to be really cold for waterskiing.


mr_oberts t1_jcng8nd wrote

My guess is that it’s fake. I live just south of there and grew up inundated with Mt. St. Helens media and I don’t recall ever seeing this.


Professional_Ask6692 t1_jcnl5g6 wrote

First thought was fake too. But this could have been taken from the Gorge looking northwest…just west of The Dalles maybe.


Original-Cow-2984 t1_jco4qm5 wrote

Nah, not so bad with a dry suit. People who like water skiing are out doing it whenever possible. Pic could still be phony though. I'm not sure how you couldn't hear that eruption over the boat noise for example, and how the person taking the pic would be controlling their faculties very well.


Redawg660 t1_jcpngsk wrote

He is actually slalom water skiing on Lake Merwyn.


KilgoreTroutPfc t1_jcqti41 wrote

Incorrect. In English the phrase for this is “piloting a helicopter.”


davidmason2332 t1_jcnmbqt wrote

Anybody know where the boat waves are lol


cookerg t1_jcnzpjh wrote

He has swung wide, outside the wake. You can see the skier's own wake coming from the right, and the boats wake would also be to the right.