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IBelieveVeryLittle t1_jdx9o9o wrote

I honestly had no idea this happened. Imagine martial arts Predator doing leg splits while going after Arnold.


albatross1873 t1_jdxbj8z wrote

That was why he was canned. He couldn’t imagine not being the central part of the film.


Biaminh t1_jdyqqu1 wrote

I mean the name of the movie is 'PREDATOR', not 'Dutch'..


Eikfo t1_jdzxvbb wrote

> Van Damme

Belgian, not Dutch


Biaminh t1_jdzzuty wrote

Schwarzenegger's character is named Dutch.


Eikfo t1_je02r8p wrote

Schwarzi? I'm pretty sure he's Austrian not Dutch. (Thanks for the clarification though).


yesmrbevilaqua t1_je09l5r wrote

It’s like the Pennsylvania Dutch, it’s the anglicized transliteration of the German word for for German “Deutsch” it was a name used to refer to German immigrants by Americans


bluejegus t1_je0i1td wrote

It wasn't the splits that made his cut of the movie weird.

It was the fact they had to make the predator from French Canada to explain his accent.


Rogue42bdf t1_jdxmwzu wrote

From Van Damme’s Wikipedia page-

Van Damme worked for director John McTiernan for the film Predator (1987) as an early (eventually abandoned) version of the titular alien, before being removed and replaced by Kevin Peter Hall.[42] As the first choice to play the titular Predator character, with the intent that he would use his martial arts skills to make the alien an agile, ninja-like hunter, but after few days shot, he left the film. It was reported that Van Damme constantly complained about the monster suit being too hot and causing him to pass out; he allegedly also voiced reservations about only appearing on camera in the suit. Additionally, it became apparent that a more physically imposing actor was needed to make the creature appear threatening against the team of soldiers. The role eventually went to Kevin Peter Hall.[43] After Predator was a success, Van Damme said that he appreciated the movie and that he had no regrets about missing that role.


Famouscopyninja t1_je0jggo wrote

Wasn’t it filmed at the same time as bloodsport and he kinda had to choose between predator or his own movie


thebonuslevel t1_jdxr5s9 wrote

I heard a story about how he got tapped for Bloodsport but the shooting for Predator was a conflict, so he just did the just real shitty so he could get out of it and go on to do Bloodsport.


Kupcake_Inater t1_jdymxlw wrote

Best decision ever. I absolutely love bloodsport cuz I would always watch it when it would air with my dad on telefutura,canal 5, just rewatched it like last month though the whole "true story" part of the movie is funny considering the guy it's based off was lying about it at least the evidence points that way.


postumus77 t1_jdzdjo0 wrote

You keep talking like that and an assassin from the Black Dragon society will be dispatched to make an example out of you using the din mak.


Rogue42bdf t1_jdzfm77 wrote

I remember hearing something like that as well, which is why I went to his Wikipedia page in the first place.


Flat_Foot_Noire t1_jdxhi52 wrote

daaaamn the suit looked so different


beefyesquire t1_jdyhcu4 wrote

In the Predator lore it was actually a different race that actually enslaved the Predator race and taught them to use their tech and hunting skills.


Kupcake_Inater t1_jdyn3cv wrote

Predator looks like a mix of a fly and praying mantis here lmao was the right move to redesign lol


SluggishPrey t1_jdxk8k7 wrote

No surprise that he was canned. What's the point of dealing with a massive ego if people won't even recognize him.


boipinoi604 t1_jdyb8h9 wrote

Smokes, he was the predator?


fronkenstoon t1_jdyqpzz wrote

He wouldn’t have though he had the job but then get replaced if Kevin had just been on time!


Germangunman t1_jdyt2rq wrote

I wish there was some film of what he did I. That funny looking suit


FuriousGeorge7777 t1_jdz1emh wrote

Predator special edition dvd had some clips. It looked terrible. The suit was bouncy & looked ridiculous. They brought in Stan Winston after that to redo the creature design to the awesomeness it became.


LarixOcc t1_jdz79iu wrote

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. That suits just bad.


pattyG80 t1_jdzwzkq wrote

Imagine a 5'8 Predator...


pauliewotsit t1_jdzzohc wrote

To be fair, he's a little too short to be an imposing, towering presence...would've looked silly with Arnie beating up a child sized monster


Grubulon t1_jdzmhat wrote

I think the 'river ghost' creature seen at the start of Predators is loosely based off this design too


DazzlingFrogman t1_je00nhl wrote

He was upset his face was being covered and Didn't like being the walking Joke on set because most of his time was spent in a big foam red suit (for the Heat vision scenes). He was gone and Peter took over and they completely redesigned the Predator


Dvx_Vinc52 t1_je07rby wrote

Kept asking “what’s my motivation here?”


Wind_Yer_Neck_In t1_je0tv6u wrote

I think I remember reading that they also had a bright red/pink version of it that they had planned to use to do some effects work in post for when it was supposed to be invisible.

So it was like a big angry Mr Blobby running about the jungle.