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forespy183 t1_iu6lxre wrote

This may sound insensitive but it is so hard for me to imagine lesbians being so out like that. Like, it is hard to imagine gay people existed before a certain time.

Obviously they did but it just makes me so happy to see these woman out and happy in the 30s.


elixier t1_iu6rjmg wrote

Just FYI one on the right is a Nazi, not the best role model


WhoBroughtTheCoolKid t1_iu6uizr wrote

Hold up…a lesbian Nazi? Isn’t that a touch ironic?


ashpanda24 t1_iu7gysg wrote

It absolutely is, but as we can see from our own timeline, there are people who absolutely shouldn't back certain groups and movements because they're a part of one of the demographic groups that movement/group speaks out against...yet they're still a part of them and see themselves as the exception.


PenisTriumvirate t1_iu9pwd3 wrote

You see demographics support groups that speak out against them and your take away is......they shouldn't do that. You never wonder why they would? No consideration for their motives? Not a single moment to consider perhaps they see something you don't and that's why they've made their choice....You just know they shouldn't.


[deleted] t1_iu8eepm wrote



boltsandyotes t1_iu8swuw wrote

It was investigated and was a big deal.

Paragraph 175 outlawed homosexuality in Germany and the Nazis burned down Magnus Hirschfeld institute of sexual studies.

Over 100,00 gay men were killed in concentration camps. And an unknown number of lesbians (they where categorized differently).


ralanr t1_iu7pmu4 wrote

Reading her Wiki, I assume her fall to nazism was from desperation. Doesn’t justify it, but neat to see.


elixier t1_iu8hjep wrote

>nazism was from desperation.

Doesn't seem that way at all, she went out of her way to assist them as much as she could


ralanr t1_iu8nvhc wrote

Kicked out from competing and failed businesses feels like desperation to me.

Again, don’t justify shit.


ashpanda24 t1_iu7pr8i wrote

That makes sense and still stands with our own timeline! Sad nonetheless.


OrcApologist t1_iu7zzhv wrote

Wouldn’t be the first time, a former high ranking member of the nazi party was gay and was killed during the night of long knives after supposedly being caught sleeping with another dude.


Pudding_Hero t1_iu7knx0 wrote

Well apparently the women in the suit is a nazi sympathizer POS collaborator so do what you will with that information


artenazura t1_iu6w46l wrote

It's fascinating to learn how much gay people existed as themselves in history, it's not something we learn about in school... I think this photo is from the club Le Monocle


CrumpledShinSplints t1_iu91ajg wrote

They wouldn't have been 'completely' out, and rightly so. Girl on the right for sure could have passed as a cis man, especially in the 30s. Only a small number of places they could really be out.


invent_or_die t1_iu74xrg wrote

Probably easier then than anywhere near now. People embraced philosophy, dance, real debate. Arts were valued.
