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Onarm t1_iu7eqea wrote

fyi the one on the right is Violette Morris.

She was a French Nazi, tortured people for the Nazis, and ran supplies for the Nazis. She was openly supportive of Hitler before Vichy.

She got gunned down in an ambush the French Resistance set for her midwar.


madDarthvader2 t1_iu7laht wrote

Huh, ironic. A gay Nazi. Who'd a thunk.


SnowDoom6 t1_iu7vyal wrote

A lesbian Nazi woman and woman. They possibly had some tolerance for her especially for her service and dedication to Nazi Germany and service to Hitler. But they definitely would not tolerate a man and a man.


ElementalWheel t1_iu8e5te wrote

That’s because you can’t breed men


Raskolnikovs_Axe t1_iu988h5 wrote

>A lesbian Nazi woman and woman.

Aka, two Nazi women.


skumgummii t1_iucrqmq wrote

so lemme get thisstraight. If you are in a relationship with someone then you automatically not only share the same political ideology as them, but you also retroactively gain any new opinions they might have later in life? I had a girlfriend like 15 years ago, today she's kind of a hippie anarchist, does that make me an anarchist too?


Raskolnikovs_Axe t1_iudgwxv wrote

"If you see someone eating dinner with 10 Nazis, you're seeing 11 Nazis eating dinner.". I'm sure you've heard it, I think the saying actually comes from Germany.

If you think the saying is oversimplifying, that's fair. I always understood it to be more of a cautionary comment on the dangers of complacently sliding into extreme ideology, from a country that has deep experience with that. But of course if you apply it everywhere and in every context you can pick it apart.

In this context however - a true and unabashed Nazi party supporter, during the time the Nazi party actually existed, in Nazi occupied France no less - I don't feel any doubt in assuming the saying is 100% true, and that both Morris and her date are Nazis.


Galhaar t1_iu9u6ux wrote

Certainly not Ernst Röhm and the entirety of the SA, no sir, uh-uh, never.


llilaq t1_iu8b6u5 wrote

The only reason I clicked this thread was to see if they survived the war or were sent to a camp. Unexpected to say the least..


pityutanarur t1_iu88t0r wrote

> tortured people for the Nazis

her name in the gay community must have been Violent Morris


[deleted] t1_iu8dkzb wrote



Onarm t1_iua08jl wrote

Not really?

The torture stuff may have been fabricated by the Marquis to justify the killing of minors, but the rest is very easily traceable. We know she visited Berlin during the Olympics. We know she was buddy buddy with the Gestapo. We know she fed them intel.

We know during Vichy she was given preferential treatment by the Nazis/Gestapo.

She was a Nazi agent and collaborator, and was very pro Reich. She just may not have been a sadist. Which is splitting hairs, as she'd have known what they were doing to minority communities. She was openly supportive of people who were rounding up and killing people.

Yes it's not fair that they took away her ability to compete, but that's no excuse for knowingly participating in a genocide. She deserved her death.


SpyCats t1_iu8rswm wrote

Holy shit! That wasn’t mentioned in the Brassai book I grew up with.


New_Ad2992 t1_iuav4yc wrote

She was also quite an accomplished athlete, a Nazi still, but an athletic Nazi


Swipergoneswipe t1_iu6ikxi wrote

They're not gay they're just French


BonskY_007 t1_iu8azhs wrote

Va te faire foutre connard...


[deleted] t1_iu8vgsj wrote



BonskY_007 t1_iu990su wrote

Va sucer le penis de ta mère, face de cul de mouche


ponyduder t1_iu9c1av wrote

Go suck your mother's penis, fly ass face


[deleted] t1_iu9gpj9 wrote



ponyduder t1_iua63nb wrote

I am very desirous of pouring out much gall on your personal life, accursed translator being in the service of the perfidious albion. You are only a crook as well as a soft purse


varn96 t1_iu7208n wrote

And we're sure this isn't a behind the scenes photo from Goodfellas?


DS2Dude t1_iu8nogt wrote

Now go home and get your fuckin’ shinebox.


Juniorwoj t1_iu8nclq wrote

My wife thought it was Meatloaf and that other girl from Rocky Horror.


Pudding_Hero t1_iu7kj5s wrote

She gave her a vibrator she couldn’t refuse


ThatScotchbloke t1_iu8mjb0 wrote

My guy, you can’t shove any old word into a quote from a mafia movie and expect that. It has to make sense.


forespy183 t1_iu6lxre wrote

This may sound insensitive but it is so hard for me to imagine lesbians being so out like that. Like, it is hard to imagine gay people existed before a certain time.

Obviously they did but it just makes me so happy to see these woman out and happy in the 30s.


elixier t1_iu6rjmg wrote

Just FYI one on the right is a Nazi, not the best role model


WhoBroughtTheCoolKid t1_iu6uizr wrote

Hold up…a lesbian Nazi? Isn’t that a touch ironic?


ashpanda24 t1_iu7gysg wrote

It absolutely is, but as we can see from our own timeline, there are people who absolutely shouldn't back certain groups and movements because they're a part of one of the demographic groups that movement/group speaks out against...yet they're still a part of them and see themselves as the exception.


PenisTriumvirate t1_iu9pwd3 wrote

You see demographics support groups that speak out against them and your take away is......they shouldn't do that. You never wonder why they would? No consideration for their motives? Not a single moment to consider perhaps they see something you don't and that's why they've made their choice....You just know they shouldn't.


[deleted] t1_iu8eepm wrote



boltsandyotes t1_iu8swuw wrote

It was investigated and was a big deal.

Paragraph 175 outlawed homosexuality in Germany and the Nazis burned down Magnus Hirschfeld institute of sexual studies.

Over 100,00 gay men were killed in concentration camps. And an unknown number of lesbians (they where categorized differently).


ralanr t1_iu7pmu4 wrote

Reading her Wiki, I assume her fall to nazism was from desperation. Doesn’t justify it, but neat to see.


elixier t1_iu8hjep wrote

>nazism was from desperation.

Doesn't seem that way at all, she went out of her way to assist them as much as she could


ralanr t1_iu8nvhc wrote

Kicked out from competing and failed businesses feels like desperation to me.

Again, don’t justify shit.


ashpanda24 t1_iu7pr8i wrote

That makes sense and still stands with our own timeline! Sad nonetheless.


OrcApologist t1_iu7zzhv wrote

Wouldn’t be the first time, a former high ranking member of the nazi party was gay and was killed during the night of long knives after supposedly being caught sleeping with another dude.


Pudding_Hero t1_iu7knx0 wrote

Well apparently the women in the suit is a nazi sympathizer POS collaborator so do what you will with that information


artenazura t1_iu6w46l wrote

It's fascinating to learn how much gay people existed as themselves in history, it's not something we learn about in school... I think this photo is from the club Le Monocle


CrumpledShinSplints t1_iu91ajg wrote

They wouldn't have been 'completely' out, and rightly so. Girl on the right for sure could have passed as a cis man, especially in the 30s. Only a small number of places they could really be out.


invent_or_die t1_iu74xrg wrote

Probably easier then than anywhere near now. People embraced philosophy, dance, real debate. Arts were valued.


fman84 t1_iu98nph wrote

It's interesting to me how most gay and lesbian couples still take on soft gender roles despite being attracted to the same gender. Not arguing for against same gender attraction. Just an observation.


WitchsWeasel t1_iua9fc8 wrote

I suspect some confirmation bias here. Usually, when people see two feminine women together, they tend to automatically assume they're friends. But the moment one of them looks more on the butch side of things, then they notice and they see a lesbian couple instead.

That being said, I've also once heard an argument from a lesbian as to why that may still occur more often than random: insecurities may be easier to navigate the more different people are in a couple. It would be more about minimizing envy than "filling a role" in the couple. That being said, I'm not sure how much we can generalize that from that anecdotical perspective.

There also may be other things going on, people are multidimensional. r/AskLesbians surely has more reliable answers.


fman84 t1_iua9zvd wrote

That is a good point. I tend to not assume a lesbian couple unless they are at least holding hands.


[deleted] t1_iu70t9y wrote



anniecatt2 t1_iu7ylf6 wrote

This is one of the thoughts that you keep inside your head


SnowDoom6 t1_iu7w26g wrote

Her face does look like a woman's face after all she is one, but right her clothes and hair throw you off.


DAT_DROP t1_iu6j0dz wrote

Left her cellphone on the corner of the table


emfrank t1_iu70n6o wrote

I was thinking it might be a cigarette case, but not sure with the open pack in the middle.


mr_mcgibblets12 t1_iu7p7mt wrote

So lesbians have been dressing like dykes since at least the 30’s. Interesting.


literaln0thing t1_iu7tlhr wrote

It's called butch, that D word is considered a slur


eightcarpileup t1_iu85pu8 wrote

Butch women will literally call themselves “baby dykes”. Let’s not get offended on someone else’s behalf.


literaln0thing t1_iu85w7e wrote

Yeah, they can do that, but I don't think Mr. Mcgibblets is a butch lesbian


jemull t1_iu9u2ve wrote

Maybe the Mr. is sarcastic...


walluper t1_iu6zwww wrote

Thought that was k.d. lang at first blush.


RGeronimoH t1_iu71hap wrote

This has been posted at least 20 times and everyone but you got their facts correct. 1932 @ Club Le Monocle


GreatAcanthisitta466 OP t1_iu791mj wrote

Those other posts are just recreating the original that I have posted here, from 2 years earlier...or something


pugs-and-kisses t1_iu86jpx wrote

Chaplin looks way different from the movies…


orangefoxxx t1_iu9miah wrote

Female laurel and hardy 👍


spitfayar t1_iu8gmkj wrote

She reminds me of Merritt Wever in Godless actually. Which is very fitting


WriteAsRain t1_iu8mkv4 wrote

In the novel Lovers at the Chameleon Club, Paris 1932 by Francine Prose, she’s portrayed by one of the characters. It’s a good read


connstar97 t1_iu8on26 wrote

I thought that was Babe Ruth!


Cashbeking t1_iu8z76k wrote

With a couple of faces that would peel paint.


DaytonTD t1_iu94tti wrote

This was circa 2015. You can see the S6 edge on the table bottom right


tritron t1_iu7i811 wrote

Looks like sister and brother having lunch


kalowas1 t1_iu8hss4 wrote

Lots of very insecure men in the comments 🙄


madcat2112 t1_iu8uj8z wrote

I didn’t know Rosie was that old.


ArmchairQuack t1_iu8yj76 wrote

And the one on the right didn't even have to cut off her breasts.


sindrome7 t1_iu6j2pc wrote

That male looking female was a Na21 sympathizer.


madDarthvader2 t1_iu7l5f2 wrote

Bruh this ain't YouTube. You can say Nazi without anyone shanking you.


Elsbethe t1_iu7mv1b wrote

"Male looking female"


I think the word is Butch


sindrome7 t1_iu8zm9w wrote

Wasn't sure which word to use. Didn't want to use a slur by accident, I think male looking female applies without offense.


WitchsWeasel t1_iuaae6e wrote

if you want to be polite, at least call her a woman, not a female x) priorities, man

but yeah, butch has been reclaimed in recent years and is the appropriate term afaik


Elsbethe t1_iuaceuk wrote

In all fairness it is complicated

We are labeling them a lesbian couple

We are calling one of them Butch

They may identify us a straight couple

The more masculine person May identify as a man or a or as a trans man, Or in the language of the day as a transvestite, Or cross dresser

We don't know how people labeled themselves especially especially in a world with so few labels

I appreciate that you think that Butch has been reclaimed but as a woman who has loved Butches my whole life I assure you that the word has never gone out of style at all

I think the most useful term would have been "the one who is more masculine. "


WitchsWeasel t1_iuaij5e wrote

True, I just checked out their wikipedia page. They used to wear binders and underwent a double mastectomy, and somewhat changed their name to a much more gender ambiguous one. I think it's safe to say that's pretty far into trans territory, especially for the time. Unfortunately, we don't have a language that has any wiggle room to speak of when it comes to gender neutrality, with all the issues it creates when it comes to defining gender on a spectrum, so there's that.

Also, duly noted for butch, though female still sounds bad either way. Not that that nazi deserved any courtesy, but eeh. Thanks for sharing your perspective, I appreciate it!


sindrome7 t1_iuacs1h wrote

My first comment was correct and accurate. If you don't like it, deal with it. 🤷‍♂️


[deleted] t1_iu6kyad wrote



elixier t1_iu6rg9v wrote

I think the downside is one was a Nazi supporter and collaborator given the nickname Hyena of the Gestapo


nightcitytrashcan t1_iu7x5og wrote

Those nicknames... These people were the scum of the earth, but these names make them sound like comic book characters.


[deleted] t1_iu8f137 wrote



elixier t1_iu8hfnb wrote

Her torturing may possibly be embellished but she was a Nazi collaborator and spent years assisting the Gestapo willingly in other ways


[deleted] t1_iu8jx65 wrote



elixier t1_iu8ltdl wrote

I don't get your obsession with defending a Nazi sympathiser, she's not a War historian by the way either, she's an art historian through and through.

When historians who actually dedicate their lives to the war era say she assisted the Nazis, with the ONLY debabatable part of it being the tortures, I'm not going to look at a source written by an author who is clearly in the high risk category for bias, who isn't a specialist in the area. We know for a fact she worked to supply Nazi troops. We know she was Hitlers honoured guest at the Olympics. We know she was considered at the time a member of the French wing of the Gestapo. The fact the resistance, who risked their lives to free France considered her a priority target should speak to the fact she was obviously more than a basic sympathiser. Was she a torturer, who knows. But the fact you brush of even basic sympathiser is fucking disgusting. "Basic" Nazi sympathisers still deserve the electric chair. Fuck glorifying Nazis or their supporters, no matter how basic


mrchevyss t1_iu6wf76 wrote

A few years later, France surrendered


[deleted] t1_iu7thaw wrote

Looks kinda like Rosie What’s-her-name.

What’s her name? The lesbian looking one? Looks like a lesbian?



Eire4ever37 t1_iu8dw1x wrote

That is one scary looking man, woman, whatever. Yikes!! I’d give her my wallet in a heartbeat


mjkjg2 t1_iu7wlnp wrote

at that point why not just date a dude


LordFedoraWeed t1_iu8dxi4 wrote

Because she probably doesn't look like this in private, it's a disguise to get out and about.


imeeme t1_iu7msry wrote

TIL, lesbians love men with vagines.


Aoxomoxoa75 t1_iu83yqh wrote

Damn. That dude on the right with all the big dick energy. 👊🤘


adavi608 t1_iu7293r wrote

Why do their facial features look more or less the same as they do today? Just curious.


CaptainTheta t1_iu72wy1 wrote

Why would they not? Humans have not changed much genetically for at least a few thousand years.


adavi608 t1_iu8qcca wrote

Yeah, I just associate things with other things. The only thing separating them from my personal stereotype of a lesbian couple today is haircut and outfit. It doesn’t always hold, I just noticed it.


Daddydick-nuts t1_iu7esds wrote

Indeed our genetics haven’t changed, but in in terms of height and body shape we have changed a lot then. Most People were shorter and had a more thin and slender appearance over a century ago.


CaptainTheta t1_iu7hj7v wrote

True but two individuals of similar BMI and ethnicity from now and from 500 years ago would still look pretty similar


4w0k3 t1_iu7j7n2 wrote

Whoa, that’s enough to gag a maggot! It more than obvious that they became lesbians out of necessity! Hahaha
