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TylerBaraby t1_irhg85y wrote

Is that an ashtray???


hlda_g t1_irhht3x wrote

Smoking in restaurants was still a thing in those days


Patzercake t1_irk39x4 wrote

I'm only 30 but in my lifetime I've been on a flight that allowed smoking.


TylerBaraby t1_irhhzto wrote

That doesn't justify a full ashtray sitting right next to the birthday cake surrounded by children (or adults, for that matter).

Also, I'm pretty sure most places had phased that out by '95, especially at kids' birthday parties.

Edit: Keep embarassing yourselves - my block list is hungry.


graye33 t1_irhj7k9 wrote

Apparently it wasn’t since there’s the photographic evidence


TylerBaraby t1_irho41w wrote

You understand what "most" means, right?

A photo of a single example doesn't invalidate my point, you idiot lol.


Efkey02 t1_irhrnug wrote

The first smoking ban was in 1998 "you idiot"


bandson88 t1_iri75ey wrote

Tyler was probably born in 2005 give him a break


R0osteryo OP t1_iri2e7q wrote

Homie you're just not correct.

You're right that smoking indoors is bad. But it was still normal in 95


breecher t1_irhxd0p wrote

Your point is wrong. Ashtrays weren't phased out in 1995.


CunnyMaggots t1_iri2wep wrote

In 1996, there were still smoking sections in restaurants in Los Angeles County. Nobody cared about anyone's lungs at that point, and it was a couple years later before they outlawed smoking in cars with minors in them. And even as late as 2004, a lot of dicey places still allowed smoking indoors until the authorities showed up, in which case they would hide the ashtrays and open the doors as though no one would know... lol.


osi_layer_one t1_irj4fc2 wrote

> before they outlawed smoking in cars with minors in them

wait, what?


Fluffy_Palpitation31 t1_irms5xx wrote

If this is how you react to your first time seeing a cigarette at a child's birthday party, viewing images from the past may not be a good fit for you.