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lovedbydogs1981 t1_itptifh wrote

Idk… I know the look. Granted America’s got its serious problems but Nazi-punching isn’t one of them.


seemypinky t1_itptuwp wrote



lovedbydogs1981 t1_itpvjj2 wrote

Did I stutter? For all our problems the majority of Americans are anti-fascist. I know “the look” from my grandparents (both grandfathers killed a bunch of Nazis, while both grandmothers provided material support) and from my parents who have protested and fought and voted against fascism, and frankly from myself, who has always done the same. Try Umberto Eco’s essay on fascism. Logic or reason isn’t the point—there’s something that shows in the face, a lack of honesty. Fascists are cowards seeking power. The man in the picture is no coward and doesn’t appear to have any cognitive dissonance in his expression.


seemypinky t1_itpxegi wrote

I don’t know what the heck you’re talking about. If he was dressed in a nazi uniform I think he’d look like a nazi


lovedbydogs1981 t1_itpxtxp wrote

Lemme guess: you’re not a poker player.

Reading faces isn’t hard it just takes practice


seemypinky t1_itpybxn wrote

Most good poker players know looks can be deceiving


lovedbydogs1981 t1_itpyfrw wrote

And can see past it if they’re actually good


seemypinky t1_itpyjeq wrote

I’m sure you can without fail champ


lovedbydogs1981 t1_itq54oe wrote

No, not a mind-reader. Don’t know why you’re taking a beef on this but I’ll end it by saying I could totally be wrong, this guy would be a bad-ass nazi, etc etc, hope this helps soothe your soul


seemypinky t1_itq5sjr wrote

I’m not taking a beef, it just seems to me that maybe you’re a little overconfident in your ability to judge a book by it’s cover. I could be wrong though


lovedbydogs1981 t1_itq6h0j wrote

I’ve made a living of reading people. I’m good at it but not infallible. Definitely reading the man’s face not the uniform. But I could be wrong. Thanks for meeting me in the middle


failatgood t1_itqsgcq wrote

Are you high?


lovedbydogs1981 t1_itrkcih wrote

No. How about you?


failatgood t1_itszzl1 wrote

Not for a while, saving money to get a 2L engine swap happening to my current 1.6L, might get a respray happening as well, roof is sun damaged