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blageur t1_itm3du1 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Eric Clapton, 1967 by P3akyBlind3rs

It was 50 fucking years ago and he was a junkie at the time. People do and say stupid shit. Doesn't make him a lifelong racist any more than you posting this nonsense makes you a social justice warrior.


[deleted] t1_itm3zzt wrote



tok33 t1_itm4k4u wrote

Well too bad you don't play guitar, or you could be our hero.

It's exhausting to see the same dummies react the same way to the same 150 pictures that get posted here.


[deleted] t1_itm5cth wrote



6inDCK420 t1_itnn4fs wrote

So was Bowie really a nazi? Drugs can definitely make you believe some crazy shit which can make you say crazy shit. Ask me how I know


blageur t1_itm6r3o wrote

Thank you. Fuck these keyboard ninjas racing in to be the first to scream racist or pedophile every damn time. Next she'll be correcting your grammar.


ObjectiveGlittering t1_itmd509 wrote

Imagine being this upset that your racist idol gets called out for being racist and your first thought is to try and shush the dog whistle.

Also this pic is a racist trying to impersonate the better guitar player. Funny thing is that without the caption, most of us would have little idea who he is. Jimi on the other hand?


blageur t1_itmtd6r wrote

Any time someone starts a comment with "Imagine..." I don't even read it because I know it's just some self-righteous dickhole preening for likes.


ObjectiveGlittering t1_itmve8z wrote

You’re going with the: “I don’t always read. But I always comment!” defense?


XxStormcrowxX t1_itnk9ip wrote

"I don't read what makes me look stupid. Checkmate."



Torn8Dough t1_itm4skc wrote

It was recently, while the white supremest, rapist, lying POS was pretending to be a president while destroying democracy one step at a time. Clapton was up there shouting at people from stage. He was banned from playing a lot of places. Not sure if that’s improved for him, but he really took a turn during the pandemic. Personally, he was a life long hero to me. But, I will no longer support him nor listen to his music. People like that need to just die.


blageur t1_itm7u54 wrote

It was 1976, and Clapton has owned up to it, saying he's ashamed of himself for it, and he was a nasty person back then. So he's acknowledged his wrongs, and tried to make amends for them. But you feel he should just die. No forgiveness - just die. Who's the bigger asshole here?


FuukReddit t1_itpu3x7 wrote

>while the white supremest, rapist, lying POS was pretending to be a president while destroying democracy one step at a time

Oh My Lord!

You are so fucking virtuous!

(creams in pants)