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Torn8Dough t1_itm4skc wrote

Reply to comment by blageur in Eric Clapton, 1967 by P3akyBlind3rs

It was recently, while the white supremest, rapist, lying POS was pretending to be a president while destroying democracy one step at a time. Clapton was up there shouting at people from stage. He was banned from playing a lot of places. Not sure if that’s improved for him, but he really took a turn during the pandemic. Personally, he was a life long hero to me. But, I will no longer support him nor listen to his music. People like that need to just die.


blageur t1_itm7u54 wrote

It was 1976, and Clapton has owned up to it, saying he's ashamed of himself for it, and he was a nasty person back then. So he's acknowledged his wrongs, and tried to make amends for them. But you feel he should just die. No forgiveness - just die. Who's the bigger asshole here?


FuukReddit t1_itpu3x7 wrote

>while the white supremest, rapist, lying POS was pretending to be a president while destroying democracy one step at a time

Oh My Lord!

You are so fucking virtuous!

(creams in pants)