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Th3L45tBroth3r t1_itmer8j wrote

Rocking the Blues, whilst hating the Blacks.


Doobledorf t1_itmfl13 wrote

Recording blues songs he didn't even write and putting his name on it while hating the very group of people who wrote those songs.

It's obscene how many classic blues tracks are difficult to find because this asshole did an okay cover of it.


joeythenose t1_itmpasm wrote

"Okay" is a bit on the generous side IMO


Doobledorf t1_itmrhpk wrote

Absolutely, I just didn't want a bunch "well but he was pretty good" comments.

Nah, listen to some BB King or some shit.


Move-Over-Rover-LJTO t1_iu7tw2g wrote

he didn't hate black people, and he gave royalties to those original blues artists too ! unlike other 60s blues rock counterparts