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LeaveGunTakeFrijoles t1_itbtdx2 wrote

What do you mean?


BSB8728 t1_itbx9g2 wrote

She is mentally ill, and "Dr." Phil featured her on his show to exploit that fact for ratings.


hankscorpio1031 t1_itbzcfx wrote

Remember when the guy from bum fight went on Dr Phil dressed exactly like Dr Phil to prove they are both vampires feeding on the less fortunate… I’ve never seen A point so childishly yet elegantly stated


bradland t1_itc2p2i wrote

I despise the both of them, but that was glorious. Phil fucked up even letting him come out.


underwear11 t1_itc5hi7 wrote

The best part was after showing the intro segment and having him on, Dr. Phil throws him out because he doesn't want to give him more attention....


khalcyon2011 t1_itbwpzg wrote

Filming The Shining did not do her mental health any favors.