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Petey57 t1_irwe2ro wrote

I watched Once Upon a Time in Hollywood recently. I was 12 when they murdered Sharon and her friends and it has always haunted me. The movie ending was extremely emotional for me. I didn't expect how cathartic it would be.


kevnmartin t1_irws9hp wrote

It's a fairy tale. That night some wanna be badasses ran into some real badasses. Sharon and Jay and their friends are never hurt. I cry at the end of that movie every time.


fbibmacklin t1_irzlcj5 wrote

It’s just the best ending. If the multiverse is real, maybe there’s a universe where this is how that night ended. I’d like to hope that’s the case.


MayorBobbleDunary t1_irwjqzu wrote

I found it oddly explotive. Knowing the history, we spend almost 3 hours wondering when/how the guy who blows off heads and cuts off arms will show the drugged up hippies murder. Then be like, naw that didn't happen.

Not throwing shade at you or Tarantino, it just didn't have the same hit as seeing Hitler being mowed down with a machine gun.


HoselRockit t1_irx7n6b wrote

I went into the movie not knowing much about the story. I was quite bored and when Manson showed up, I knew where the plot was going and was not in the mood for it so I bailed.


orcus74 t1_irycuqe wrote

I originally watched it with some slightly younger relatives that knew nothing about the Manson family stuff, so a lot of the parts of the movie that had an impact on me didn't have the same effect on them. When the hippie girl tells Cliff she's headed to the Spahn movie ranch, I said "Oh shit!", and they all just looked confused by my reaction.

Recently, I've been watching through all of the Tarantino movies with my son, and before we watched Once Upon a Time, I told him to take 15 minutes to read the wikipedia article about the Manson family murders.


Petey57 t1_iryz2ev wrote

The whole idea is so unbelievable. Back then hippies were seen as peace and love. The Manson Family was the opposite of what the 60s was supposed to be!