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banzay_33 t1_iy82bhe wrote

This is not a Russian soldier in Chechnya . The signature is a fake from the Internet . This is an Armenian soldier in Nagorno - Karabakh , 1992 . This is a freeze frame from a documentary . Author : Hakob Poghosyan


WhatRUaBarnBurner t1_iy83mx7 wrote

If I learned ANYTHING from Roadrunner cartoons; it's don't play random pianos.


RepostSleuthBot t1_iy7rzze wrote

Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 4 times.

First Seen Here on 2019-02-04 93.75% match. Last Seen Here on 2022-03-18 92.19% match

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alldaywatcher t1_iy93so7 wrote

„Abandoned“? You must be joking! This piano has definitely been stolen by the Russians.


Maxine-Fr t1_iy7xc9y wrote

Two kinds of people will change forever , those who fell in love , and those that went to war.


knx0305 t1_iy8nsqj wrote

Ideal place for a booby trap.