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Fifty-Cent-Words t1_ixp5p8g wrote

She looks so beautiful and the fabric of her dress is gorgeous!


adr8578 t1_ixp8trz wrote

She looks like a old Hollywood movie star💫


nellie_1017 t1_ixpuugj wrote

Looking like she's preparing to go out on stage & sing an aria!!


Practice_NO_with_me t1_ixpqmmx wrote

Do you have any other pics of her? That bone structure is 🤩 I'm super jealous.


SarahZona97 OP t1_ixpvhy7 wrote

I do, but they're on my desktop and we're out of town for the holidays. I'll post a few when I get home. And thank you - I was always jealous of her bone structure and wished I inherited it!


edenjax t1_ixqkh57 wrote

Stunning picture


Mettlesome369 t1_ixqssip wrote

She looks likes an old Hollywood movie star. Very glamorous!


coco-200 t1_ixrtxlr wrote

Your Granny had drip


Mr-memes-man2353 t1_ixqjjwa wrote

Damn op how old are you


flindersandtrim t1_ixstxgp wrote

I'm so utterly confused by the question and the replies to you. Really? Having grandparents that are/would be in their 90's means you're unfathomably old now?

Think about it. The lady in this photo was likely born in the 20's. Her children would be baby boomers or even older Gen X if she had children a little later in life and was very young here.

So it makes total sense that her grandchildren could easily be millenials. While the oldest millenial is probably super old now to the kind of person who would ask this question, but seems crazy to be blown away by someone that could be aged 30, could be aged 50 if the generations were shorter. But that's the age of most grandparents of the people I know that are 30 something. I know someone who is 20 whose grandparent was born 1927 and going strong. You must be very young I think, or people have children early in your area.


witchyanne t1_ixr3j0g wrote

That’s their grandmother who would be 75/76now - so guessing 20-30ish depending when their mother was born/they were born.

Edit: oops I did a mistake going by birth year instead of wedding year.


DreadPrincessRoberts t1_ixr7yly wrote

No, a 75-year-old person would have been born around 1946, not married in 1946. For easy math let’s assume Grandmother was 20 when she married. That would make her 95 or 96 now. (Which is about the age my late mother would be now, and she also married in the post-WWII years. That’s why I picked up on the discrepancy.)


witchyanne t1_ixr8hhx wrote

Oh yeah I had a derp moment - then add 20-30ish years to that. :)


Mr-memes-man2353 t1_ixrfgkp wrote

Then the op is still old as hell


witchyanne t1_ixrhvzk wrote

Or in their 50s or?


I wouldn’t say 50s is old as hell.

Are you like 15?


Mr-memes-man2353 t1_ixri7px wrote

Na 25 I and I wouldn’t say that 50 is necessarily old but your definitely getting up there


Artistic_Fall3468 t1_ixt9l1y wrote

Ha you wait. 25 to 50 goes by awfully fast and at 50 you still feel like that 25 year old in many ways