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Xmeromotu t1_ixqx3jd wrote

Hello, brother! I have a white Dad and Chinese Mom, and I was born in the US in 1965!! My folks met double-dating other people, just like Harry Met Sally. 🤣


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixqyoar wrote

Hello! My mother is Yu'pik from Alaska!


Xmeromotu t1_ixqyxv1 wrote

Very cool! You are a REAL American! 😎


EatAtCozi t1_ixrvv1t wrote

Lmao, I’d love to know what you define as “REAL American”

Edit: Awh, stay mad ☹️


peetree88 t1_ixrwnao wrote

Probably someone descended from a native group rather than a colonising group based on the context clues...


billboswaggns t1_ixs3qc8 wrote

Probably not what you mean when you say it


EatAtCozi t1_ixs7mee wrote

Yawns, that made no sense. Try again buddy. 😐


billboswaggns t1_ixs85ym wrote

Couldn't be a more clear statement. You asked how they define real American I said prob diff than you. You're a troll or a walnut, and an emoji user. Yuck


EatAtCozi t1_ixs910d wrote

Ew you’re weird. Congrats on being an old geezer who has 0 social media literacy ? Lmao. Your comment added literally nothing to the discussion, but thanks buddy.


sandmanchase t1_ixscg5e wrote

>Yawns, that made no sense. Try again buddy. 😐

Lol as if this comment added something valuable to the conversation. Your having pointless arguments on the internet with a stranger you will never hear from again that will go NOWHERE. Maybe their is some symbolism there. Yes, yes I did.


EatAtCozi t1_ixseewk wrote

Are you okay? Was the 1 minute you spent typing up this obvious and pointless text worth it? No one cares bud. You’re weird for that. Continue scrolling and minding your business cus the convo is already over. No one wants to read your incoherent rambling.


billboswaggns t1_ixsg5wu wrote

An old geezer? Not by a long shot, this just isn't the emoji platform. I feel bad for you if you're really young and already so angry. However, your troll game is weak af not entertaining, so I'm out


EatAtCozi t1_ixsgmyd wrote

Imagine trying to police people’s use of emojis on an online platform, really weird. Also didn’t ask, sorry you feel that way. You’ll live. Adieu* freak.


billboswaggns t1_ixsvxxa wrote

Hey man, I just had to drop a couple classes last semester bc I got the flu for a week, was in condensed courses and was planning a wedding. The stress almost killed me, once I got thru the big events the pressure got better and I felt better about school again. I'm sorry you're having a hard time, I hope you get your school stuff sorted and have great success in all your endeavors. Im a returning transfer student myself after a long break to get off drugs and raise an oops baby mostly alone. I hope you don't let the stress of the upcoming holidays compound with this school issues. Be blessed friend.


childofcraigslist t1_ixur5w1 wrote

Someone whose family line is indigenous to America. The Yupik people are native to Alaska, so OP’s lineage is entirely made up of people born in America unlike most Americans whose ancestors are from other countries.


Bladelink t1_ixri3av wrote

Really! I was sitting here expecting her to be someone from the East because of the post-war timing, and because I'm ignorant and bad at identifying people. That's fascinating though.


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixrikl0 wrote

Yeah, when I was in the Navy (west coast) I actually had Asian people argue with me about my ethnicity.


Bladelink t1_ixrj3l7 wrote

It's weird to me that people do that. My reaction is more like "oh sorry for presuming, I'm just some moron," lol.


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixrjp8a wrote

Asking and learning is one thing, and I'm happy to talk about stuff. I grew up in racist areas, so they didn't want to talk, just bully. In that part of Asia/SE too, they thought I was ashamed of my Asian heritage! LoLz. I'm a half breed, obviously, so, you know how that song goes. I can laugh about it now


RunninOnMT t1_ixs8uco wrote

Hahah I’ve definitely had this happen to me. People think I’m Latino (mixed Chinese/white)


Octobersiren14 t1_ixsfu29 wrote

My aunt told me about a customer at her job who just up and started speaking Spanish to her thinking she could understand. My aunt's Filipina and just talked to her in english.


wackyDELYyeah t1_ixug8mk wrote

My dad is the person who will go up to people and start speaking Spanish to them. One time he went up to one guy who was just like “Um, I’m Hawaiian.”


ABKB t1_ixso5d7 wrote

You do a 23andme? I will bet you will be surprised.


RunninOnMT t1_ixs96bg wrote

Me too! I was born in 1982. I was in college the first time I saw a mixed Asian/white person who was a middle aged adult with my own eyes. It was such a shocking realization that I’d never encountered that racial makeup in anyone older than me (other than my sister who was a few years older than me.)


Xmeromotu t1_ixsa8rd wrote

People never have any idea about me. They mostly just think I’m probably white … but I look 20 years younger than I should. 🤣 But I’ve had people think I was “Hispanic” (not sure how they defined the term, but basically south of the border), “Choctaw,” which was I assume a catch-all for all Native Americans, “Eskimo,” and all kinds of other wrong guesses. People want to find a label even where there isn’t really a good one available.

I live in the South, and when I was about 40, a friend’s mother told me that everyone used to point to me and my brother to prove that the school or country club or other institution was “integrated.” She said people were pretty shameless about it! Of course, Henry Cho has made a nice career of a similar life story, so that’s not necessarily a bad thing. 👍


Xmeromotu t1_ixsatwu wrote

It is interesting how many more of us there are these days. Kinda nice.


FuzzyTunaTaco21 t1_ixr60u0 wrote

How old were your parents there? They look super young


whatsasimba t1_ixseztj wrote

Right? Usually we're like, "Those highschoolers look 40!"

This is just a picture of three gorgeous kids.


nosnevenaes t1_ixqm9il wrote

Ok delete this now and repost saying you are actually the dad in the middle, but you have some rare genetic disorder that makes you look like a baby. The guy on the left is your son.


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixqmi3s wrote

This hasn't happened in awhile. You managed to get me to snort coffee through my nose! LoLz. Take my upvote, good person!


bizzywhipped t1_ixrq3as wrote

Your dad looks like he will try to sell you a house in Yonder.


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixrqm9v wrote

I want to put a laughing emoji so bad. He didn't have anything to do with sales. More "professional" stuff, lol


athendofthedock t1_ixrhmib wrote

You look older than your dad


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixri3zu wrote

Everyone always said that I always looked too serious at the time, lol

Edit: grammar


HiddenDaliah t1_ixry7nz wrote

I'll bet you grew up into a very handsome man and your parents would be extremely proud of you 😊


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixryl7b wrote

Um, thank you. I was until about 6 years ago, lol. They consider me, dependable. 12 in the Navy and raising 4 kids on my own. I think they were a lil proud. 🤗


stonerthoughtss t1_ixs0eg0 wrote

Your father looks like Tom Hiddleston! or does Tom Hiddleston look like your father since he was born first? Or is Tom Hiddleston actually a time-traveler and your really Loki’s son making you a grandson of Kratos?


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixs0ta8 wrote

Ssshhhhh! You're giving away secrets! Loki wants to stay on the dl. I was also born in the Year of the Dragon 😉


Fuzzy-Conversation21 t1_ixs1rnp wrote

Such a darling smol lad! I bet you were one of the smols that folks just loved to kiss on your neck and tickle! Prolly had the best belly laugh that made everyone around you laugh!♥️


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixs2ae2 wrote

I did use to laugh a lot. I was also rather precocious. At about 4 I was bound and determined to play in my other g.Aunts house, and she play with me. I discovered the coal bin. We came out of there randomly covered in coal dust. I would have gotten in trouble, but Biffie was having none of that.


Thekingofheavens t1_ixrq9dc wrote

What a cute baby boy! I bet you a perfect 10


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixrqs5h wrote

Ok, 3rd blush and the biggest, lol. I'm told I was quite precocious. Thanks!


spoopy-bish t1_ixslyid wrote

the littlest suspenders 🥹


____Vader t1_ixrz7nn wrote

Maybe it’s just in my neck of the woods but we need to bring back the dressed up family portrait


RedStarNova2 t1_ixs43s4 wrote

Why does this mfk look like me when i was a kid lol ?


NeuroticNurse t1_ixsebsi wrote

What a beautiful family. Although your dad does look like he’s a freshman in high school lolol


ZeePirate t1_ixrnemf wrote

You look like your dad’s eccentric little person boss or something with those suspenders lol!


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixros1z wrote

My great Aunt and Uncle couldn't have kids. I was firstborn, and they spoiled me. I had more suits up to the age of 6, than play clothes!


lisabryan t1_ixsinyk wrote

I was born in 66 I feel great 😊


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixt1rvk wrote

That's great! I wish I did. I spent too many years thinking my body and brain were invincible. I'm paying for it now.


bruh_momento_2 t1_ixta3as wrote

You look like the old man from pawn stars in this pic.


Volburnrig t1_ixtlj8i wrote

This is what Tom Hanks might have looked like as a kid.


bettiebomb t1_ixtsq0c wrote

Very cute! How did your parents meet? They’re a very nice looking couple, I’m sure you’re still just as cute.


solveig_is_best_girl t1_ixtz2ek wrote

I don’t know why, but my first thought was. “Baby Old Man from Pawn Stars”


cmkrn1 t1_ixuieef wrote

That suit your mom's wearing, man that must've been the thing in the late 60's. I have a picture of my mom wearing one, and another of my mother-in-law as well.


mjkjg2 t1_ixs4t8p wrote

Adam DeVine??


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixs5efj wrote

I don't know if you're referring to my father or myself, but I'm sure either of us would like to be that young again, lol


mjkjg2 t1_ixs5oio wrote

I was referring to you, but honestly that could just be because Adam DeVine looks like a baby, not the other way around


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixt49mf wrote

Gatekeeping doesn't look good on you.


Smoopiebear t1_ixtcdgd wrote

You oh look just like your mom! And you dad looks 12.


[deleted] t1_ixtlap2 wrote

Aggh! I can't with the cuteness! Those baby overalls!

Also, everyone is talking about your 12-year-old dad but I love your mom's hair and outfit. She looks like a boss lady heading to the courtroom or the news station after the photo shoot.


Tight-Drink6071 t1_ixu9fw4 wrote

Nice, clear picture! And in color! I was 6, in that year☘🇵🇷


LeoIsRude t1_ixug00q wrote

That's crazy! My dad was born exactly 56 years ago today, so you guys must be around the same age. :)


straightshooter62 t1_ixuodh7 wrote

Yea! Another half breed! I’m even older than you!


ElectricFocus t1_ixvq19y wrote

Your mom looks early 20s and papa looks 17


LongDongSulvers t1_ixw2arb wrote

Hey old man what’s your favorite hobby?


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixw98ny wrote

He changes when he gets bored. One year he made my brother and I rings. My favorite was when he made stuff with his scroll saw.


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixw9kxj wrote

Oops, you meant mine. I haven't settled on one yet. Just dabbled in a bunch of stuff. I never stopped loving to read, though


NoCampaign3112 t1_iydezw0 wrote

Good looking family! Your mom is extra super cute.


[deleted] t1_ixszwb8 wrote

Bro you’re older than my dad why are you on reddit?


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixt0yze wrote

Why would I not be? I'm also on IG, tt, YouTube, tumblr, and fb. Tbf, I spend a lot of my time here, falling down rabbit holes, lol


[deleted] t1_ixt279a wrote

Your at least 56 and spend “a lot of your time” on reddit?


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixt2hx3 wrote

I'm on full disability, live by myself, and no family in the state where I live. I don't have tv, I mostly read books, and read and play on social media.


[deleted] t1_ixt2k75 wrote

That’s fucking depressing. What disability?


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixt2wc6 wrote

It can be. I have PTSD, COPD, bipolar, social anxiety (interacting like this is fine, I'm just rarely able to leave my house. There's various other associated illnesses. I get by shrugs


[deleted] t1_ixt3f0b wrote



ploptones t1_ixt979k wrote

Wow- why did you have to say that? It was extremely rude, and something you would never say in person to someone’s face. Please grow a heart. Or at the very least- learn some manners. And of course they are disabilities. Educate yourself about this type of pain, and what it is like to walk a day in their shoes. Anyone who is still working (or not) who has these disabilities goes through pain 24 hours a day. Talk to some of those people you work with and ask them what they think the future holds for them.


[deleted] t1_ixt9qko wrote

Jesus you sound like every cliche. I won’t ask them because I honestly don’t give a shit. But op isn’t actually disabled like can’t walk he just has some mental issues that you could easily hold a job with and not rely on tax payers.


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixt43w9 wrote

According to SSA and the military, PTSD qualifies as such, and I get paid accordingly.


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixt44je wrote

The law defines disability as the inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity (SGA) by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment(s) which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months.


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixt4695 wrote

Some examples of common disabilities you may find are: vision Impairment. deaf or hard of hearing. mental health conditions. intellectual disability. acquired brain injury. autism spectrum disorder. physical disability.


[deleted] t1_ixt4b18 wrote

I work with ex marines with ptsd and other mental illnesses they still show up to work


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixt4lql wrote

And? There are varying degrees, as there is with anything. Don't tell me you think it's easy to to get qualified for SSi. My pcp, psychiatrist, and therapist, would all disagree with you


[deleted] t1_ixt5jja wrote

I don’t know how hard it is to apply for an ssi cuz I’ve never applied for one


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixt5us4 wrote

It's not easy. The government likes to take money, not pay it out.


[deleted] t1_ixt760h wrote

I hope they don’t like to pay it out. It’s tax payer dollars


MtnDewCasperFart t1_ixrvke9 wrote

It's 2022. Periods work better than commas.


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixrwg86 wrote

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