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bourbie04 t1_ixkt5d6 wrote

This pic screams early 90's. Reminds me of our old funky carpet.


DustinDirt t1_ixkt5ih wrote

Pimpin ass Starter coats in the back. Looks like a happy strong family.


zoomwojo t1_ixkxzen wrote

At first it looked like he had an unlit cigarette in his mouth and I thought it was Dave Chappelle.


nunhgrader t1_ixl35o2 wrote

That's pretty cool.

I think someone I know had that same chair!


PM_Me_OCs t1_ixlle6c wrote

He may not be your father, but he is your dad.


Cashbeking t1_ixlq8i0 wrote

Thats Leonard Washington.


Majorjim_ksp t1_ixlzm9z wrote

Breathe in that second hand smoke son!


_catdog_ t1_ixm0gmp wrote

This is what cigarette smoke smells like! Get used to it!


bedlog t1_ixm4sx8 wrote

Thats one hell of a dad


ParentalMom t1_ixmgmtp wrote

My grandsons tried to get my husband to “smoke a j” On thanksgiving and I smacked that “weed” right out of my house


onehotdrwife t1_ixmm7n7 wrote

What a great man and example of what a father is.


Juub1990 t1_ixmzcl6 wrote

So, the dad is the biological dad of your older sister who appears to be biracial, because you seem white? I’m trying to figure out what happened in what order. Sorry for being nosy.


BobbiNoNoseKnows OP t1_ixn12gk wrote

Correct. Not nosy at all, it’s okay. I added the context for clarification because it’s something I’ve dealt with my entire life, having to explain to people how he is my father.

He’s the biological father of my older sister and younger sister. He and my mom had a bit of a break in their relationship and that’s how I was born. But they reunited when my mom was pregnant with me and he chose to raise me alongside my sisters.


Juub1990 t1_ixn21tr wrote

Thank you for clarifying. I figured it was something like that. Must be something to have a black dad, a white mom, and two siblings who are considered "black" while being white yourself lol


ED4050 t1_ixn5eb6 wrote

You and your sister are lucky to have two good men in your lives.


Pittman247 t1_ixn7jz8 wrote

Thank you for asking this! I remember seeing another Reddit post about someone getting in Black man’s face because he was yelling at a young white man (think they were in a McDonald’s??). Black guy turns and says to filmer, “excuse me. I’m talking to MY SON.” To which the son, said, “that’s MY DAD.”

Or something. Point is, WHO raises isn’t solely based on genetic material. Props to OP for posting cute pic of his family!


OGGBTFRND t1_ixncd3i wrote

He sounds like a prince of a man


BaroquenLarynx t1_ixo8riq wrote

Mom had me (only) with my dad, and several other siblings with more than 1 other dad.q

The man who came to be known as "dad" to us never had any biological children. He spent hours on hours working hard at construction sites and quarries for us. He still came home ready to play with us, and take us dirt-biking or 4-wheeling. He taught me how to find crawfish, and cast a fishing line. He brought us to the soup kitchen to help other people. He taught us responsible firearm safety and care. He took us on long drives, to explain the area we grew up in. He never seemed afraid. He told me once, "be a friend to everyone. Everyone needs help. And you should help them if you can." He treated my mom like a goddess, despite her medical and mental health issues... In hindsight, he was an absolute legend, and I didn't give him enough credit growing up. He taught all of us empathy.

I wanted to learn guitar. It took him a few months, but he bought me a guitar, and sat with me as I practiced, counting beats for me. Us kids wanted to hike up a small mountain near home. He bought tents, lights, and food for us, and took us on an adventure. We wanted fireworks, he drove out of state to grab them, and made it feel like the 4th of July, in the cold of November

Ouch. Haven't thought about this for years. Miss him a lot.

The title of "dad" isn't given. It's earned. It's easy to become a "father". It's not easy to be a "dad".


kcaJkcalB t1_ixonsl5 wrote

Smoking around kids 100% 90s


audioreject t1_ixovbrw wrote

That last part really hit me in the feels. I am glad he was there for you.