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kstinfo t1_ix4n5hv wrote

What a treasured picture to have.


BuyNo4013 t1_ix72mg3 wrote

They were in for a rough ride, poor kids. By now, anyway most are gone. My parents are of a quite exactly the same age and still alive. Made it through the war, communism. Thanks for sharing!


HowCouldYouSMH t1_ix6ipya wrote

I wonder if this was southern Germany, possibly Bavaria. Lots of Lederhosen.


beerdrew t1_ix52jp9 wrote

I hope all those kids made it through the war. What area of Germany was she from?


IseultDarcy t1_ix553vd wrote

They are all to cute and I love the boys with the traditional clothe!


TheOtherUprising t1_ix54db2 wrote

Cool photo. Both my paternal grandparents grew up in Germany. They were teens by the time WWII came along.


countrybumpkin1969 t1_ix5wjr6 wrote

I love that these little girls have their dolls in the photo.

You should submit this to r/estoration. Those redditors are great at restoring old photos.


kickingcancer t1_ix6p3op wrote

This is so cool! Thanks for sharing


Blissful_Relief t1_ix71u2n wrote

That teacher is giving me, We don't need no education vibes


Slave35 t1_ix6ems6 wrote

I count two, maybe three smiles.


anasui1 t1_ix5hi2x wrote

jesus, the doll head in the middle creeped the everliving hell out of me


Starrysurpriseeyes t1_ix65uwp wrote

Girls don't play with dolls no more sadly


NonAggressive-Ask t1_ix6k3sg wrote

Sorry, couldn't post a 1939 German class photo from my family, as the German Nazis had rounded them all up, and most were sent them to the Aushwitz gas chambers. Cool Nazi picture dude. Sure so many will overlook when and where it was taken. So treasured. So very cool.

This Sub has become a place for people to post their Nazi families doing everyday normal shit, while they at the same time worked everyday to kill every last Jew on earth, and have everyone say, ooo germans, so cool


Saxonika t1_ix83s45 wrote

To see a picture of children and see nothing but hated enemies is so sad … to be honest, kind of what the Nazis did.