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iamsce t1_j0kqtus wrote

If they were walking toward you on the street, you would cross the street.


i-opener t1_j0ktmkt wrote

The show usually starts around seven
We go on stage at nine
Get on the bus at eleven
Sippin' a drink and feelin' fine


Oldrocket t1_j0ktz3x wrote

Great drinking game: watch the Paradise City video and you have to drink every time someone nods at the camera


heliskinki t1_j0kvv27 wrote

I was at that gig, my first festival experience. G'N'R were at the bottom of the bill, Appetite For Destruction had just been released. Crowd went nuts for them, and a couple of kids died in the crush down the front. Pissed it down all day, absolute mud bath.


0k_KidPuter t1_j0kyqpp wrote

Axel rose looks like that kid on my block who always asks to bum a smoke, then when i tell him i dont smoke, he promptly tells me to go fuck myself. Seems like a nice kid.


Full_Artichoke_8583 t1_j0l2db6 wrote

Lemmy holding a large glass of straight Jack Daniels (probably).


Dogribb t1_j0l4acy wrote

AXL looks like a Runt next to Lemmy


Ronnie_Mustang t1_j0l7o68 wrote

I heard that Lemmy got his name from Jimi Hendrix when they were at a casino and Lemmy would keep going up to Jimi goin "Lemme get $5".


palmerj54321 t1_j0laytn wrote

Not to diminish their success and accomplishments, but Duff and Axl look a bit like imposters next to the authentic OG.


patrickp72 t1_j0ldpha wrote

They look like a display in a wax museum


whyunoletmepost t1_j0lil7v wrote

Lemmy reminds me of Champ from the office if he had a cooler older brother.


webdevxoomer t1_j0llkl4 wrote

To me, that video always exemplified rock 'n roll - giant stadium, random articles of clothing on the stage, clips from 'life on the road', bouncers tackling people, etc


Brian_E1971 t1_j0lmv2v wrote

Lemmy is dead and looks better than Axl right now. Fat loser looks like he ate Meatloaf.


Oldrocket t1_j0lqabx wrote

Definitely one of the quintessential heavy metal "tour montage" videos. Pretty much every hair band back then did one. Also had to have a ballad at some point. Def Leppard pour some sugar on me and motley Crue Wild Side are a couple of other awesome "tour montage" gems.


Rude_Yam_9962 t1_j0lqw6t wrote

Wearing a shirt of the band you are in is a baller move


Electricalbigaloo7 t1_j0lsb50 wrote

Just like old school Sabbath, Zeppelin or Lemmy, I need to drop it down low, and make it heavy, I LIKE IT HEAVY!


TheRealVinosity t1_j0ltexq wrote

I was there that year!

I still have the t-shirt (though it seems to have, erm, shrunk since then).

That was the tragic year that 2 people were killed in a crowd crush.


BoomerDown84 t1_j0lwycc wrote

Leather pants and high tops. Pure 80s drip.


Thprop t1_j0lxhgt wrote

Ask seems uncomfortable.


durrrr21 t1_j0lyi3e wrote

Jesus, Axl is a baby here. Dope pic


defusted t1_j0m0juk wrote

He's even wearing his own shirt, we should have known he was an asshole then lol


Ok_Fox_1770 t1_j0m9ei2 wrote

How young everyone was… wasn’t even that long… oh yeah creepin on 40 years ago


Skreamies t1_j0mgzx7 wrote

Donnington is a great race track


Ornery-Fun-1591 t1_j0mozyh wrote

Bad assery right here. All leather, no pleather.


Hattix t1_j0mqi0q wrote

Lemmy's ethic was absolutely and completely something else.

He'd say "I'm a public figure. If I'm in public, I'm at work." and never refuse an autograph or a photo.


Kushfriendly420 t1_j0mspus wrote

I started playing bass cuz of duff, i took my dj name cuz of duff, i died almost like duff, im also a rocksrar


BigAssToast t1_j0mx1x4 wrote

Duff was in 19 different bands.


A_Soft_Fart t1_j0nia7w wrote

Only one of these guys is douchey enough to wear his own band’s shirt.


AllhandsOnHarry t1_j0nm804 wrote

Without any context they just look like dirty assholes.


TakeOnMe-TakeOnMe t1_j0noaoa wrote

Meredith is the only person I know who can properly headband to Motörhead.


coffeymp t1_j0nolpq wrote

Duff & Lemmy prolly drank a gallon of booze.


eyeofapple t1_j0nta2j wrote

When Axl still looks normal


Burning_Flags t1_j0nvpyd wrote

Is wearing your own band merch allowed?


SwimmingBeneficial93 t1_j0o5hxd wrote

Lenny was a frickin treasure an original and a gentleman. Axl was a big angry baby.


Ronnie_Mustang t1_j0ojsp1 wrote

Yeah I mean I just heard this from a friend and posted it. I should hope no one takes me as a legitimate source. Glad to hear the real story. So was he involved with Jimi at all? I heard he was a roadie or something for him.


ChronoFish t1_j0olfi4 wrote

Boy that took me back.

Where do we go now?


clickism t1_j0opiy4 wrote

Axl looks like the 1980s equivalent of todays standard “fuck boy”.


egonsepididymitis t1_j0p1glf wrote

Lemmy’s leather crotch: is it part of his pants or part of his belt?