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Evnl2020 t1_j2e408y wrote

The man has taste!


from_dust t1_j2eak5y wrote

What does he taste like?


PallandoOrome t1_j2eat1a wrote

"My Cocaine"


iMonNarcotics t1_j2ek3ao wrote

So, I am a recovering coke addict and I used to have a jar that I kept my coke in that had a big picture of Michael Caine on it for this exact reason.

I also had a jar for my keif (cannabis dust) that was a picture of Keifer Sutherland.

Now all I have though is a shaker of Oregano that has a picture of Ronald Reagan on it that says "Oh Regan Oh".


Nutella0ntoast t1_j2fi3nk wrote

I had a jar full of tea bags with Ice-T’s picture on it when I was in college…


asaking t1_j2f2ons wrote

This is actually Nigel Powers and the unfortunately murdered Mrs. powers


335i_lyfe t1_j2efnv3 wrote

He’s such a badass


csk1325 t1_j2emg2x wrote

Great looking couple. Their daughter inherited the best of both.


axebodyspraytester t1_j2ee6sk wrote

He's a lucky man and a great actor.


Ok-disaster2022 t1_j2ehuzf wrote

Iirc he saw her picture in a magazine and decided that was the woman he was going to marry.


Crank_McNasty t1_j2fihf8 wrote

That's how I felt when I saw a 2003 issue of Maxim with Vida Guerra on the cover. It didn't work out. Her lawyer must like me, she keeps sending me letters.


RepostSleuthBot t1_j2e00jh wrote

Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times.

First Seen Here on 2021-03-31 100.0% match. Last Seen Here on 2021-03-31 100.0% match

I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive]({"post_id": "zzwtvl", "meme_template": null}) ]

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Scope: Reddit | Meme Filter: False | Target: 92% | Check Title: False | Max Age: None | Searched Images: 362,024,459 | Search Time: 0.47894s


No-Neighborhood9885 t1_j2ft72f wrote

That dude has always had more swagger than any one man should be aloud to have


According-Ad3963 t1_j2fahq2 wrote

He served in Korea during the Korean War and his battalion was cut off at one point. He was sure he would die there. Made it out and swore to live a happy life there after.


BabalonNuith t1_j2fgoyt wrote

My aunt, who had a career of sorts in Hollywood (she appeared in "My Fair Lady") was good friends with Michael Caine and Shakira, apparently.


Dumbo8 t1_j2esuch wrote

Stunning couple. Style and elegance.


JonWick33 t1_j2e994x wrote

Cooler than a polar bear toe nail. Permeate "Hood Pass" this guy had.


[deleted] t1_j2fbd0l wrote



shalasay13 t1_j2fp2qf wrote

Uh what?


ibadlyneedhelp t1_j2fqgcg wrote

If believe they're referring to the fact that he domestically abused her, but I might be misremembering. I think he did though.


shalasay13 t1_j2fr21g wrote

I only did a cursory search, but all I found was an article about how she kept him from drinking himself to death. And that they're still together. Again, only cursory.


terminese t1_j2fah0q wrote

I’ve seen this pic about 100 times on this sub.


DrMeowgi t1_j2fj3p5 wrote

Does anyone else think it’s kinda creepy how he’s holding her hands? Like, more controlling than affectionate.


Einaris t1_j2fnuza wrote

No. Sometimes there's nothing to read into body language. It's a weird hug from behind


DrMeowgi t1_j2fv6dh wrote

It looks really gross to me.


ragby t1_j2frap6 wrote

I think it looks weird, like he's gripping them in an unnatural way.


kikokokotoneko t1_j2eje75 wrote

Shame he turned out to be a Brexit supporting arse.


SluggishPrey t1_j2ewd6c wrote

The american way of doing politics: dehumanize anyone who doesn't share your views


kikokokotoneko t1_j2f644s wrote

I didn't say that he wasn't human. I said it's a shame that he backed a clearly racist policy even though his wife is a POC.

There are no benefits to Brexit. Not social, not economic or political.

The only thing left is hatred of the 'others'

Britain is a systematically racist nation. So in hindsight 52% seems low to me....


Crank_McNasty t1_j2fkuh7 wrote

Sounds like you don't like white people very much....

Don't want us to have our own nations huh?
