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composmentus t1_j26dhxo wrote

"If you don't answer, I'll just tear it off the wall"


EphraimJenkins t1_j26g8r1 wrote

The phone number for the Chinese restaurant down the street is one number different, so Debbie is patiently listening to a noodle order before saying: “it’ll be ready in 15 minutes,” and hanging up.


grafxguy1 t1_j26rnu6 wrote

Well tbf, she keeps singing "Call me!"


XanDoXan t1_j26tam5 wrote

Don’t leave me hanging…


dod2190 t1_j28z5v1 wrote

CSB: For a time when I was a kid, our phone number was one off from the town movie theater. People would call wanting to know what was playing, "Is Patty working today?", etc. We kept the movie listings next to the phone.

We weren't going to change our number, after all, we had been there first!