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addisonbass OP t1_j2betiz wrote

WOW! Great message. You’re insanely close … you can add an “always available” toothpick in his ear and a torn-up paisley hanky in his pocket. He used to smoke Kool kings and Lucky Strike non-filters at the same time. Yes, AT THE SAME TIME. He’d take a couple hard pulls off the Lucky for the nicotine and then lean back and drag off the Kool for the menthol. Had a pack rolled under each sleeve. Ironically, the tobacco never took him … dementia did.


becidgreat t1_j2bfao9 wrote

I love him - never met him but his ilk are easy to love

And respect


icubud t1_j2evbi8 wrote

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great photo of a moment in time, thanks for sharing with everyone
the smile on your dad's face is what struck me first about the image