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kalysti t1_j27r20e wrote

Courage. One of the United States' unsung heros.


smaitek t1_j27rm2i wrote

What a badass.


fleduvius t1_j282ppi wrote

Turn that light off!


hellodynamite t1_j299wkh wrote

No he wants them to know he's there. He's saying 'come get me"


Darwin-Award-Winner t1_j297ryc wrote

After watching most of the home alone movies this Christmas season. I can tell you that is a mannequin and he is actually waiting in the shadows.


Tayleray t1_j27s3nq wrote

Little did the KKK know they were up against Freddy Krueger


TheVaxIsPoison t1_j28kir1 wrote

Being backlit is foolish. Brave, but foolish.


Chrysos-89 t1_j27rhna wrote

and while he waited he did a photoshoot?


cone10 t1_j2814yf wrote

I have never understood this bit of americana. How is standing on the front porch in the dark, being a well-lit target, with a gun that can fire a single round, be a sound policy? What prevents him from getting shot from someone who's beyond the light's glare?

It isn't as if the KKK had an honor code where they would do their thing in full view.


Level_Watercress1153 t1_j28b7a1 wrote

The KKK were more of a mob and lynch group. Not a covert fire and maneuver team. He’s making a statement standing there with his rifle


youwantitwhen t1_j2926b9 wrote

Do you know what a "dare" is?

This man would never hide like you or I would.

This man was ready to die for what was right unlike you or I would.


JuicyForcies t1_j27yxxh wrote

He didn’t have a rectangular object to type into to express how offended he was, and there were no others with similar objects to “like” and “share” how offended he was. So he did what he thought was right and stood by it
