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lg_3000 t1_j29bwfa wrote

He confirmed several years ago that wasn’t him.


Olive2887 t1_j29uj7l wrote

So it wasn't him and this wasn't City Gardens.

Thanks for the random photo Reddit


TheUmgawa t1_j2ato8h wrote

Debunkings of posts such as this should be closed with the Half-Baked line, “Boo that man! Booooooo!!!”


sagitta_luminus t1_j2ccj0p wrote

Who’s supposed to be him? Nobody in this pic looks anything like him


ThankU4TakingMyCall t1_j2c8s8r wrote

It’s actually some schmuck named Jonathan Leibowitz who was always trying too hard to be relevant, as is evident from the look on his face.


muthersb t1_j28ne72 wrote

I see a guy who definitely looks like Jon Stewart. Is that somehow confirmed to be him?


crypticthree t1_j28s16x wrote

I'm pretty sure that is at the City Gardens Club, a legendary New Jersey punk venue. Stewart worked there as a bartender in the 80s. There's a documentary about it called Riot on the Dancefloor, and Stewart appears in it.


Viet_Conga_Line t1_j29f3ao wrote

Problem is - that is not City Gardens. City Gardens did not have brick walls inside or outside; the building itself is an old car dealership and it was made from cinder blocks. Inside, the club was painted and they had several large murals on the walls.


Noreaster0 t1_j28ny40 wrote

🎵Let’s lynch the landlord, let’s lynch the landlord, let’s lynch the landlord man. 🎶


fermat9997 t1_j293h6m wrote

He is first and foremost a great human being and secondarily a celebrity.


Hopeful_Cod_8486 t1_j293xgz wrote

I got my nose and jaw broken in a mosh pit when I was 16 at a Slapshot concert in Bostons Rathskeller.

Good times


Gordon_Gano t1_j295924 wrote

I went to a brawl and a Slapshot show broke out!


[deleted] t1_j29ddop wrote



Hopeful_Cod_8486 t1_j2a0ykn wrote

Ya it was 1988 or 89


RitaRaccoon t1_j2b6xw3 wrote

I lived on Marlborough St in 1989 and walked by the Rat all the time. We probably crossed paths.


Hopeful_Cod_8486 t1_j2b75b5 wrote

If I'm being 100% honest that was the 1st and last time I ever went there lol..


FirstLightFitness t1_j2ao23l wrote

That's such a claim. About 10 years before my time.

Bad ass.

Everybody does it, why shouldn't I? BECAUSE ITS SICK!


Hopeful_Cod_8486 t1_j2aoufi wrote

What it was was at the time I was a skateboarder but I had a few friends who were skinheads and into that sort of stuff and I liked the music so I went to the show. I wasn't a skinhead. I still had hair, and I didn't realize that that was a problem, so when I went in the mosh pit they literally beat the shit out of me lol.


TheRacoonist t1_j29763d wrote

City Gardens

Good times


Trishjump t1_j299n9d wrote

Men are weird


TheRacoonist t1_j2aw3l5 wrote

I am no man


Trishjump t1_j2azq6b wrote

I apologize. It was wrong of me to assume you were a man. 🥲 I still think it’s weird willingly throw oneself into a mosh pit. But hey….live and let live.


ploptones t1_j2fovkk wrote

It is hard to explain. I am a woman who was 17 at this time. Mosh pits were not hurtful. It was more about bouncing against one another and getting some energy out and laughing a lot. Girls did it too. If anyone showed anger and/or aggressiveness, the other people in the pit checked him and kept him out, just by creating a human fence around him. I never saw any fights in my many years going to clubs, and this technique quickly quieted down anyone that got out of hand. All these songs, and the songs and pits of the 90s- pure fun.


Yomama-22 t1_j2bvcdf wrote

The guy in the plaid looks nothing like him.


BeautifulEssay8 t1_j2cqje5 wrote

But have you ever seen the Dead Kennedys...on weed?


Vanrainy1 t1_j2cg8xj wrote

Too drunk to fuck. Gotta be one of punk rocks all time riffs, legendary. Who's this Stewart fella you guys are talking about?


coyote-1 t1_j29nv1e wrote

I never got the idea of the mosh pit.


smashin_blumpkin t1_j2be6ho wrote

Idk why this is getting downvoted. They aren't for everyone. Personally, I used to love a good mosh pit but there's nothing wrong with not liking them. There's not even anything wrong with not getting the appeal at all.


H8llsB8lls t1_j2b2m5e wrote

Glad it’s not him mosh pits are for saddos


Clear_Repeat_7886 t1_j29rdee wrote

sold out as bad as the rest of the band that isn’t Jello
