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kstinfo t1_j27gnxn wrote

Looking for a birthday present for you know who.


TexacoMike t1_j27qbhe wrote

Seeing as how she was more than JFK’s mistress, no not really.


mmsdiscard t1_j27gu3c wrote

She looks like she wants to never go back out again. I can’t imagine keeping up a facade as well as Marilyn. I wish she knew the real her was a beautiful person. She looks so thoughtful and overwhelmed right here.


msdemos t1_j2aywez wrote



Imagine, for a second, those kinds of crowds watching, leering and/or coming at you EVERY single moment whenever you were out in public, and suddenly, the price of fame seems FAR too costly....... gif




filmroses t1_j2cs77s wrote

Arthur Miller said he never saw Marilyn happier than when she was in a crowd. She loved being famous.