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TheBirdBytheWindow t1_j1u4b9d wrote

80s...I had to push I had to suffer..Oohhhhhh...80s! I'm living in the 80s!


dnsdiva t1_j1u57e2 wrote

Discovered them in middle school when my friend gave me a cassette with nothing but Killing Joke. There would be no Nirvana without this band.


FrankDrakman t1_j1ua9qd wrote

Love Like Blood

One of the best songs of the 80s


oftendreamoftrains t1_j1ued8x wrote

Great band. There's a great documentary on them that I watched this year. Their song Change has one of the best bass riffs. Edit: spelling


UpperBroccoli t1_j1umq7m wrote

You're alone in the pack
You're feeling like you wanna go home
You're feeling life's finished, but you keep on going
The reason is there
You won't find it till you've been
And gone because you're living a hoax!
Someones got you sussed!


zoicyte t1_j1uq3pa wrote

they have some stellar post-80s albums as well.

pandemonium is pretty great as a comback album with youth returning

the self titled album from 2003 or so is fantastic.

and the most recent album isn't too shabby either! this is band that really has managed to continue to deliver over the years. if anything they've gotten angrier.


tkingsbu t1_j1ur64k wrote

From the time my daughter was about 4-5, Adorations has been her favourite song… she’s 19 now, home from university for the holidays, and just surprised me with a bit of trivia…’did you know the singer is half Indian like me???’ Lol… I didn’t know… but lol, she was SO happy to find that out… that one of her heroes is just like her :)

Love this band so much… and love that my daughter is into them too :)


So_Do_You_Like_Stuff OP t1_j1utltt wrote

That’s awesome! Representation matters. It’s really cool to find things like that out because it just brings their music to another level. I’m glad you and your daughter can find something in common with such a great band.


sulimir t1_j1utoaf wrote

Great band, was pleasantly surprised when I got to see them open for Tool a couple years back.


fermat9997 t1_j1uwgof wrote

I wonder how looking dangerous became a component of cool.


tkingsbu t1_j1uwt4u wrote

You’re so right on the money. My wife and I have talked a lot about representation over the years… how it used to bother her as a little kid that ‘no one’ in tv shows or movies looked like her etc… but living in Canada now, as our kids have grown up, it’s SO much better, and both our son and daughter see representation all over etc…

And that one little thing… playing her sone killing joke tunes when she was so little, thinking nothing more than ‘oh I always loved this album, I’ll play this in the car and see what she thinks’ lol… it’s so cool to see that she looks at Jaz now and sees ‘hey… this cool successful singer is half Indian like me’ :) lol… years ago I made her t-shirt of the ‘brighter than a thousand suns’ cover with his face on it…, she still wears it all the time, and has gotten some of her friends at school into the band because of it :)

A new generation of killing joke fans :)


Charles_Sangels t1_j1uxlsl wrote

I met them on the Pandemonium tour. Super nice guys. Jaz was happier to meet me than I was to meet him. This was 94(?) I think and I was super into the Internet already. I asked him if they had an email address or something where I could write to them. He exclaimed "I can't even change a plug!"

I had them sign my vinyl boxed set and Geordie turned to my friend and said "Wut shy write?" My friend shrugged and Geordie said "I'll just write 'fuck off' then." Narrator: And that he did.

Great show. Stabbing Westward opened up for them.


So_Do_You_Like_Stuff OP t1_j1uypzs wrote

The two aren’t mutually exclusive though. I don’t think you have to give up anything. You can dress any way you want and still be a good person. Just because you may look intimidating to some, doesn’t mean you’re an asshole or someone to be feared.


FartingKumquat t1_j1v301i wrote

I heard 80s the first time in skate video when I was a kid .. Later that year, I was suspended from Jr high school for wearing a Killing Joke nazi Pope shirt.


scamparama t1_j1v7puy wrote

Old School Cool - you’re goddamn right!


hamsolo19 t1_j1v9o7b wrote

I know of these guys because of Metallica covering "The Wait" back in late '86 after they'd lost Cliff and Newsted took over.