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Equivalent_Metal_534 t1_j57lfoz wrote

Nothing like waiting 50 years and saying “Hey, wait a minute. I feel victimized.” Not taking the director’s side at all. I just think someone’s running low on funds.


SplendidPunkinButter t1_j57thow wrote

Sure, but also it seems pretty messed up to watch a movie that shows off a 16 year old girl’s boobs, doesn’t it?

I mean, if you have a nude picture of a 16 year old girl on your phone, that’s a crime. But we can go on watching this movie because it was made in the 60s and it’s Shakespeare? Doesn’t make sense.


BlindPaintByNumbers t1_j58r01s wrote

Artistic underage nudity was legal at the time.... are you going to retcon modern laws onto everything that happened in the past, because they're going to have to build a lot more prisons.


Iz-kan-reddit t1_j596g29 wrote

> Artistic underage nudity was legal at the time.... are you going to retcon modern laws

FYI, it's still legal, although changing views make it likely that American Beauty was the last mainstream movie to contain it.


ClittyMcPenis t1_j57x69a wrote

We watched this movie in 6th grade. The teacher told us to cover our eyes during the part with nudity. Pretty sure everyone peaked.


jfuite t1_j581oex wrote

I watched it in school too! English Shakespeare classes, mid-eighties. No one was damaged.


palmerj54321 t1_j583wg4 wrote

It does seem messed up in the context of present day standards of morality. But it wasn't always such. I know the line needs to be drawn somewhere. But I also know that maybe the line is different for non-salacious forms of nudity. Is it possible for nudity of an under eighteen actor or actress to be non-exploitive? Is the 18 year old benchmark arbitrary? I'm not sure. I'm just asking.


davtruss t1_j5aig8y wrote

For God's sake, just visit a beach in France or some such.


davtruss t1_j59r7aj wrote

By your standards, we should stop watching American Beauty because Thora Birch showed her breasts to the boy next door, and Kevin Spacey felt some adult boys up over the decades since.