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Kitchen_Musician_102 t1_j57qf15 wrote

Is it just me or does that guy look like Zac Efron?


CanuckianOz t1_j57sidi wrote

She looks like Jodie Foster.


kevlarchi t1_j58lfor wrote

Literally came here to say “zac efron and Jodie foster” - you guys nailed it.


CoffeeGood_ t1_j58k5js wrote

I was going to say the same thing! He looks like him so much!


ThanosWasRight161 t1_j59ptl1 wrote

I was wondering why is this such a beautiful young couple! Now I see it.


familar-scientest47 t1_j5afr2z wrote

I swear, all actors have a doppelgänger from the past. It's like there is a database out there to compare from the past and if you have a twin you get to be an actor. 110% Zac and Jodie.


GaimanitePkat t1_j57vb3j wrote

I love that long-n-straight middle part style that was so popular around this time!


CharlesPukowski t1_j5adkzt wrote

Does anybody else have an English teacher that tried to fast forward the nude scene and accidentally paused it?


I_Miss_Lenny t1_j5arows wrote

Mine just rolled her eyes and said something along the lines of “oh wow naked people, big deal.” And just let it play while she graded stuff at her desk


Epic1024 t1_j5b1w91 wrote

Absolute Chadette


I_Miss_Lenny t1_j5b34g4 wrote

Yeah she was in her mid 70s and was super over it lol

Whenever something we studied had a sex scene or nudity or whatever and people reacted to it, she'd be like "I'll just give you guys a minute to be kids about it, then let's move on, eh?"

She was a good teacher, she was strict enough but let just enough stuff slide.


jfuite t1_j581vyc wrote

I’ve hated it for decades! Now, not so much.


TartanGuppy t1_j57g2qd wrote

Is there not a court case about this ? Or have I been reading too much reddit


Kidnovatex t1_j57nyl7 wrote

Yes, but given how often she's gone on the record over the decades saying how proud she was, and how tastefully the scene was shot I don't think it's going to go anywhere.


eat_my_bowls92 t1_j5b0oci wrote

I mean, Hollywood is notorious for black balling you if you didn’t “love” everything a director made you do, and she was a TEEN (underaged) so….

Regardless of her “comments” it is still pretty damning.


Aldous_Hoaxley t1_j59nt9g wrote

Yes, they are suing because the director insisted they perform a scene in the nude and they were underage at the time. This happened 55 or so years ago.


GoldenChinchilla OP t1_j57ieih wrote

Yes ✨


PurdVert69 t1_j5a0dx9 wrote

AKA: ''That time you got to see boobs in English class.''


tan-499 t1_j57kkq1 wrote

Olivia Hussey was so hot back in the day.

I can't believe the whole filming her topless while she was 16 is still being discussed.

I remember an interview she did at 16 or 17 and she's smoking a cigarette and drinking a mimosa while giving it.


BadDireWolf t1_j598t9g wrote

Just so I'm clear we are saying it's BAD that the child was filmed topless and then drinking and smoking while discussing it..... right?

Cause the "she was so hot" comment is concerning to me when we are talking about a kid.

Edit: I don't care that you thought she was hot when you were young, I'm saying weird that you sandwiched "I don't know why we are still talking about this" in between "she was hot" and "she smoked and drank young too!" Like that means it wasn't problematic what happened.


tan-499 t1_j59m04h wrote

Some people on Reddit are fucking morons I swear lol. Olivia Hussey is older than I am. If I thought she was hot when she was 15 it's because I was fucking 12 🤦🏻‍♂️


hcashew t1_j5ap69x wrote

"Just so I'm clear" "is concerning to me"

BadDireWolf is the thought police.


BadDireWolf t1_j5ar59z wrote

Things people say out loud are allowed to concern you, and seeking clarification on the matter of a child being victimized is important. I didn't try to police anyone's thoughts, I was clarifying that the comment did not make a jump from "she was hot" and "she smoked as a child" to "so why are we still talking about this?" Which is exactly what the comment said.


BadDireWolf t1_j5aqwya wrote

It was actually your comment that you couldn't believe it was still being discussed ALONGSIDE saying she was hot that worried me. As though it shouldn't be a big deal that she was filmed topless as a kid because she was hot and acted grown about it.


SonnyVabitch t1_j595ev4 wrote

I remember the story of her not being allowed to attend the premier at Cannes (I think), because there were some boobs in the movie. Hers.


tan-499 t1_j59m3ix wrote

That's just urban legend she attended the premiere. Read the IMDb trivia on her


Sun_Devilish t1_j58ms5b wrote

> I remember an interview she did at 16 or 17 and she's smoking a cigarette and drinking a mimosa while giving it.

Sounds like my teenage years.


Bhazor t1_j59a809 wrote

Olivia Hussey was so hot back in the day when she was below the age of consent.


tan-499 t1_j59lv3o wrote

Olivia Hussey is older than I am. She was never below the age of consent for me haha


UpvotesPokemon t1_j583c8f wrote

Yeah.. because that makes her not a child that was exploited by filmmakers… Edit to add: He was exploited as well as a child.


davtruss t1_j59qx61 wrote

Just stop it. There was nothing exploitative about the film for 40 years until somebody decided it was exploitative.

It's like saying Thora Birch was exploited in American Beauty.


UpvotesPokemon t1_j5a8bkf wrote

Dude, I don’t even have words to say how gross this is of you. Especially given the fact that both of these actors are now suing because they were exploited as minors.


davtruss t1_j5asx5d wrote

What's gross is when people in their 70s attempt to cash in on contemporary morals like yours. I very much doubt they can prove either emotional or monetary harm. We shall see.

What you need to remember is that your concept of what's gross is in many cases impertinent.


UpvotesPokemon t1_j5bjsdu wrote

Try to justify this however you can, the fact is that a 16 year old girl and a 16 year old boy should never have been put in the position of having their bodies exposed in a major motion picture. It should never have happened. If you cannot take the actors themselves saying they were exploited as proof, that says a lot more about you than it says about them.


charlesdexterward t1_j5ael7m wrote

Thora Birch is a bad example. There are a lot of behind the scenes stories about her father/manager being really controlling and creepy.


davtruss t1_j5ath8g wrote

She received a BAFTA nomination for best supporting actress....


charlesdexterward t1_j5aznh7 wrote

Okay? What does that have to do with anything?


davtruss t1_j5b3rj5 wrote

It means she was acknowledged for her artistic contribution to an Academy Award winning film. Who hurt you?


Castor_and_Pollux123 t1_j57wthj wrote

An R-rating for a 1-second boob shot.


[deleted] t1_j58fc6m wrote

In like 1998 we watched this in 8th grade at school and the teacher didn’t worry about the boob… (Tampa, FL)


MagicalMysticalMyth t1_j59vta1 wrote

We watched it in 8th grade also (1994 Pennsylvania). The teacher ran over and hit fast forward , lol.


Equivalent_Metal_534 t1_j57lfoz wrote

Nothing like waiting 50 years and saying “Hey, wait a minute. I feel victimized.” Not taking the director’s side at all. I just think someone’s running low on funds.


SplendidPunkinButter t1_j57thow wrote

Sure, but also it seems pretty messed up to watch a movie that shows off a 16 year old girl’s boobs, doesn’t it?

I mean, if you have a nude picture of a 16 year old girl on your phone, that’s a crime. But we can go on watching this movie because it was made in the 60s and it’s Shakespeare? Doesn’t make sense.


BlindPaintByNumbers t1_j58r01s wrote

Artistic underage nudity was legal at the time.... are you going to retcon modern laws onto everything that happened in the past, because they're going to have to build a lot more prisons.


Iz-kan-reddit t1_j596g29 wrote

> Artistic underage nudity was legal at the time.... are you going to retcon modern laws

FYI, it's still legal, although changing views make it likely that American Beauty was the last mainstream movie to contain it.


ClittyMcPenis t1_j57x69a wrote

We watched this movie in 6th grade. The teacher told us to cover our eyes during the part with nudity. Pretty sure everyone peaked.


jfuite t1_j581oex wrote

I watched it in school too! English Shakespeare classes, mid-eighties. No one was damaged.


palmerj54321 t1_j583wg4 wrote

It does seem messed up in the context of present day standards of morality. But it wasn't always such. I know the line needs to be drawn somewhere. But I also know that maybe the line is different for non-salacious forms of nudity. Is it possible for nudity of an under eighteen actor or actress to be non-exploitive? Is the 18 year old benchmark arbitrary? I'm not sure. I'm just asking.


davtruss t1_j5aig8y wrote

For God's sake, just visit a beach in France or some such.


davtruss t1_j59r7aj wrote

By your standards, we should stop watching American Beauty because Thora Birch showed her breasts to the boy next door, and Kevin Spacey felt some adult boys up over the decades since.


Lazy-Floridian t1_j5851vd wrote

My favorite movie. She was the most beautiful actor of her day, and today.


Therealluke t1_j59jtwl wrote

They are both suing the studio for making them perform in the nude.


monkeyboy808 t1_j59zh3y wrote

Yeah I just read that the other day. They were underage also.


alexlarrylawrence t1_j59rcfg wrote

We watched this in freshman English in 2009. Our teacher forgot about that scene, and when it happened tried to run up to the tv and skip it, but she was too late. Our lives changed that day.


Redirxela t1_j5iaa81 wrote

Ours did nearly the same except it was a projector, so when she stood to cover the screen it just projected over her instead


Luvoldcrap t1_j594nv8 wrote

Talk about beautiful people. Wow.


OptionalFTW t1_j5973t0 wrote

dude looks like Luke Skywalker lol


Sorrow57 t1_j58eeyn wrote

This movie adaption shook me in high school. A crush on Olivia Hussey broke my heart


Dreamediapro t1_j58or2m wrote

she was gorgeous then and still today, has a beautiful daughter also


brotherzak01 t1_j58ddby wrote

You know what's not cool? Under-aged nudity


sparkle_flow t1_j58r1c4 wrote

Yeah, the other comments are gross


VermicelliNo176 t1_j590k0w wrote

I can't believe y'all are getting downvoted 😵‍💫


davtruss t1_j5ar2pa wrote

They are getting downvoted because film adaptations of Romeo and Juliet will soon be illegal at this rate. The star crossed lovers didn't hold hands on the beach.


no1funkateer t1_j5d2zrn wrote

I loved this movie, and the theme music. She was beautiful. He really does look like Zac Efron. I didn't notice before because there was no ZE the last time I saw it. At least he wasn't famous yet.


WindowMoon t1_j5hfp81 wrote

all i see is a picture of children who were exploited to be nude and underage. ew. weird. gross.


Brilliant_Jewel1924 t1_j5lu4el wrote

Correction for those who keep saying they look look Zac Enron and Jodie Foster: Zac Efron and Jodie Foster look like THEM.


Do_it_My_Way-79 t1_j584yge wrote

Had to watch this in 7th grade English class. So boring to me but saw boobs!


805Angler t1_j5ab6p0 wrote

Zac Efron and a young Jodie Foster


jaMANcan t1_j5b2np2 wrote

This whole thing is super fucking creepy and shameful.


wesburnsco8 t1_j5btqho wrote

Im amazed how much she looks like a young Jodie Foster


TurkGruman t1_j5bu5l7 wrote

He was 17 and she was 16 during filming.


oniraptor t1_j5kgsfl wrote

the definitive version of the play. it is perfection..


Krissy_loo t1_j5avinc wrote

Jodi Foster and Zac Efron vibes, woah


Calamander13 t1_j59rrgd wrote

I’ve seen her boobs. Lol
