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clce t1_j6juog0 wrote

In regards to the appearance, it was makeup and their clothes also reveal that they were in the middle of filming. I can't say they were necessarily filming something together but Keaton in Arbuckle did work together and it seems they were either doing something together or on set together doing different things maybe. But these were not their normal clothes and this certainly wouldn't be how they would walk around in public. It's just heavy stage makeup. Without words you have to rely on your facial expressions and there weren't a lot of detailed close-ups to be had.. now Keaton was always a little bit odd looking. That's part of his humorous appeal. Especially when he started doing the deadpan no smiling.

Our buckle in normal appearance was actually very handsome and charismatic at least for someone carrying that much weight in their face. But he was quite handsome and charismatic in terms of public perception. The other guy I don't know but I don't imagine he always wore a beard. This was probably some kind of clown tramp makeup. It looks a lot like Emmett Kelly and his famous hobo clown look