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witqueen t1_j6pthid wrote

Show them all. And the number of applicants. Tough job market still.


AnonCuriosities OP t1_j6ptlxe wrote

But how?


witqueen t1_j6pttg3 wrote

Screen print , save as jpg.


AnonCuriosities OP t1_j6pvkux wrote

More of a where would I send it, sorry for not being clear. I have no clue if there is a place I can attach proof, or an email to send to. It just seems like a lost cause


witqueen t1_j6pxqdi wrote

You can actually go to your local UC office. They can help you with your claim and job openings.


Pa17325 t1_j6qkk86 wrote

Career link is utterly useless, both as a job seeker and being an employer with positions to fill


artificialavocado t1_j6rq7a9 wrote

They do their best but I never found them all that helpful. I feel like the commonwealth is making them as much enforcers of UC as they are employment counselors. I went there during the 2008 recession after just finishing college and the guy told me I was “unemployable” because I couldn’t do construction or any kind of hard, repetitive manual labor.


Pa17325 t1_j6s3kiy wrote

I have never, not once in 15 years, had one applicant for the jobs we posted on career link.


artificialavocado t1_j6s4loc wrote

In the late 90’s/early 2000’s there were places around here that only did applications (paper) through careerlink. I guess they figured it was better than having people showing up in their offices. I guess now people figure most bigger places have a link right on the website. I haven’t used careerlink since 2008 but I don’t think I ever got a call from somewhere that I put the app in through them so I stopped using it.


Assistant_Proper t1_j7r51ym wrote

So I have to apply for jobs every week with career link as a requirement? What if you don’t like the jobs , can u just apply to whatever jobs and just not accept them ?


cultofwerewolves t1_j6py6wz wrote

We have a fantastic woman who works the desk at the local Career Link who would absolutely be able to answer this kind of question. So I'd suggest calling the closest one to you. Or going in and talking.


Waste_Ad_5565 t1_j6qaqkb wrote

FYI, the law states that you must complete 2 applications and one work search activity per week(this includes searching jobs on indeed, Linkin etc), and register on the Career links site within 30 days.

You only submit that info if asked, which you'd do through the PA Unemployment portal where you file your weekly benefits claim. Normally they'll only ask for verification of your employment searches if you're seeking an extension.

Otherwise continue to file your weekly certification and make sure you're logged into whatever job search engine you're using so it's keeping track of your application history.


Pink_Slyvie t1_j6to9ya wrote

Somewhat ironically, you should plan on hundreds of applications to get a job anymore. These systems are so dated and out of touch it's not funny.


Waste_Ad_5565 t1_j6togrp wrote

Oh I know. I worked in an office for 8 years and I can not get a call back to save my freaking life right now. 100s of applications and nothing.


jailor_serry t1_j6pxpqi wrote

I had to show the jobs that I applied to through sites like Indeed, LinkedIn, etc. via Careerlink’s website.

There’s a form you’re required to fill out to remain eligible for benefits and it asks for the interviewer’s contact information.

So you can apply for any job, but it’s my understanding you still have to complete the general form on careerlink site.

DM me to discuss if you’d like.


InternationalAct6845 t1_j6tinmt wrote

I completely created a profile on career link and set it up on the jobs and what I was looking and that was it. However I did do my job searches in linked and indeed but I never had to notify the unemployment but I had did save emails and etc. incase they ever requested it


TSUTigers95 t1_j6up8aq wrote

Hey, how about calling them to get an answer from them, or look up the question on their website.